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Everything posted by DGioMack

  1. Good Luck with your pursuit of the truck. When I bought my truck, it had ben sitting for years. The guy I bought it from had bought it from his friends father, this friend also worked for him as a driver. Once I bought the truck the prior owners son had some real sentiment into the truck since he grew up with it, but unfortunately he didnt have the means to but it or keep it anyplace. He was real nice to me, he told me alot obout the history of the truck and where his dad used to drive it and what he hauled with it. I had a new appreciation for the truck and I told the guy anytime he wanted to call me and take the truck for a ride, he was more than welcome.
  2. I think it stinks that the diesel prices are so high. Fortunately for me, I only drive my truck for pleasure. I feel bad for you guys that drive for your livelihood and it has to affect you all so much. People dont realize how much we need the truck drivers for alot of things we use and need on a daily basis. I think if all the truckers protested the high prices, it would be felt nationwide! And maybe something would be done about it. Just my 2 cents worth. I appreciate all that you guys do ! Donna
  3. Excellent !
  4. Great movie !! Welcome !
  5. Thats a nice looking truck, the L model. I'd pick her up in a heartbeat. (even if I didnt have the room in my yard)
  6. Nice work !! She's gonna be a real beauty with all that chrome !
  7. Welcome from a fellow New Yawker !Enjoy your stay here !
  8. Hi Brent ! Welcome. There are some real good people here, you'll see. Always real quick to lend a "helping hand" with some solid advice and share some nice stories.
  9. That's hysterical !
  10. very good Barry !
  11. Thanks Terry, I'll check them out too !
  12. very cool ! Know what kind of fun you can have with that program ?!?
  13. Thanks Barry. I just checked their website. I'll give them a call Monday am..
  14. Mackstock... thats good !
  15. Anyone have any contacts for someone who can rechrome the radiator shell on the B models?
  16. WOW !! nice work.
  17. Believe it or not, you have to listen to the Dr's !! Anyway, Get well soon !! Enjoy your idle time while it lasts.
  18. Thank you !!
  19. I love it....Hnadsomely challenged ... that's great! Good luck. Send pics !!
  20. WOW !! I'm gonna have to make me a trip out there one of these days. What a sight, even in their conditions, they are nice to look at ! Thanks Barry !
  21. Welcome ! Nice truck, happy restoring !!
  22. wow, thanks for the advice. I've got a lot of work ahead of me, thats for sure. Sorry I didnt get back to you sooner, it's been a crazy 2 weeks by me. Thanks for the help, I'll keep you posted.
  23. Thanks Doug! Yeah, now I have a list of my "next" items...oh brother! And I also want to start on the cosmetic stuff, my favorite part.
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