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Everything posted by DGioMack

  1. Had a big family BBQ yesterday, and told my step dad the only we he can eat is if he gets up in the hood and gets the truck running. Earlier in the week I bought some new cables for the batteries, my co-hort Chris put them on and then my step dad climbed up in, fudged around with what we think is the cable or linkage that controls the engine stop cable and she started right up !! She ran for a while then we took her out onto the LIE for a few exits, she ran real nice, a little bumpy cause the tires had some flat spots but the truck ran nice. I think though that I need to either have the generator rebuilt or replaced since the truck doesnt seem to be holding a charge, after all that running, it didnt start up again.
  2. DGioMack


    Happy Birthday !
  3. Wow !! What a great story Fred. You're a great friend to those people thats for sure.
  4. Sorry, I'm learning.. I hope to get some time in on the old girl tomorrow. David plans on a visit to LI, he may have time to stop over and see my truck next weekend.
  5. The engine is just cranking not turning over. I am almost positive that I now have some fuel problem. Exactly what, I dunno.. I know the switch shouldnt spark, it must be the connection then. It just seemed to start when we were trying to crank it too much. The batteries are all new, just put them in before the S/P switch. I do have a full wiring diagram that Barry from Watts sent me, and I should soon have my manual from the Mack museum. Best bet sounds to be to check the wiring on the S/P switch. I just thought maybe pushing the starter button and trying to start it may have drawn on the switch somehow. I saw in another post about the fuel pump, that there is a plunger, when we disconnected the lines, no fuel. We pumped the plunger, no resistance. I'm just not getting fuel that far up.
  6. Friday, September 30, 2005 - Saturday, October 01, 2005 LITITZ, PENNSYLVANIA 16th Annual All Mack Truck Show Gerharts in Lititz. Info: (717) 626-8544 or write P.O. Box 405, Lititz, PA 17543
  7. If anyone has been following my saga of trying to get my poor truck started, you'll know how slow my progress is, with not enough time and not enough experience. Anyway, the series parallel switch is now newly replaced, I'm still trying to get the truck started and checking into my fuel issue (thanks, David !) When I try to crank the truck over the switch starts to spark and it appears that a connection looks like it is very hot. Is this a result of over-starting or something else? The series parallel switch appears to be connected properly and it doesnt start to spark or get red until I keep on it for a bit. Thanks guys !!
  8. Sorry to hear that about your plans, you'll have to live vicariously through everyone else for now.. Hope all goes well with your back surgery, my husband had back surgery almost a year and a half ago. Good luck !
  9. Thanks Barry !
  10. Happy (belated) 4th everyone!
  11. In a no start situation, how would I know that my fuel pump is pumping fuel?
  12. Doug, No problem. The guys at the museum are top notch !! Anyway, take lots of pictures and good luck with your rebuild. I am in the process of trying to get my truck running and hope that once she starts up, I can continue with my rebuild. (although, getting it started it a BIG part of my rebuild !! ) Have fun !
  13. Anyone have any engine diagrams for this Mack engine? I have several cut lines that I dont know where they lead to or from. One comes from the firewall towards the fuel pump but the line is cut and I dont know what it is.. Any help or ideas for resource of a diagram of the engine and the compartment? Thanks guys !! Donna
  14. Call the Mack Museum. Those folks over there are amazing and very helpful.. call 610-266-6767 Monday, Wednesday, or Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. They can look up your vehicle and give you all kinds of great info on it!! Good Luck, Donna
  15. It's a trick question...ok, he was in another state when it went, right?
  16. My name is Donna and I live on Long Island in NY and I own a 57 B 61. I love my truck !! And I love this website. Everyone has been real helpful to me since I have a miilion questions about my truck. Thanks Barry, the website looks great. Thanks for all your hard work !!
  17. Great work !! Thanks for the site and the great info I have found here !! You guys are very helpful ! ps.. I received my SP switch yesterday, thank you !!! I'll be installing it tomorrow ! keep your fingers crossed.
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