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    East Texas

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    2002 CH613 Mack Dump Truck

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  1. Does it mean anything to you that sometimes you can crawl in the truck and hit the key and it wont do anything? Have to turn it to start back and forth several times then it will turn over and crank fine.
  2. Cleaned the one on the block and left side frame rail. New triple lugs on batterys (pos and neg). Cleaned all posted. Removed ecm plugs and blew out with contact cleaner. New solenoid on firewall and new ground block on firewall.
  3. So last week we ran the crap out of this truck! 1st day it did this 6 or 7 times. Die, throw in nuetral, turn key off/on, crank, pull in gear and go. I think I did have to pull off road one or two times. 2nd day it only did it like 3 times.....never had to pull over. Most of the time didnt even have to cycle key. It would just like it glitched out for a second. 3rd day at end of the day it glitched once. 4th day.....not a bobble at all. Its ALWAYS seemed like it had more issue if it sat for a week. If ran ever day it dont have any issues.
  4. Ive got a 2002 Mack CH600 dumptruck with e7 427 engine. Randomly.....seems more often as of late it will randomly just die while going down the road. Like you turn the key off. Its not a fuel issue Im 100% sure of that. Its something electrical..ive checked and cleaned connections on solenoid, black box nxt to it, ECM plugs,, etc. Scrape/wire brush/contact cleaner. Checked all fuses, nothing has seemed to phase it. One thing that is weird is that sometimes when I go to start it of a morning it you will just hear a click, turn key off back on. Click. Third time it might start up like normal. Might be 1st time. Maybe key switch is bad or ignition......guess thats the same thing. Will randomly die at idle, sometimes all the way, sometimes just die then pick back up. Sometimes going down the road. 90% of the time you can kick it out of gear and turn key off and then recrank, pull back in gear and carry on. Alot of times it will say NO INFO on the display. Left me on the side of the road other day for two hours before it decided to crank up. ALWAYS turns over fine but wont fire. Usually stating NO INFO. Ive read about coolant getting into ecm. That doesnt seem to be an issue. Ive read about solenoid on firewall. Ive read about broken wires/fuses. Ive checked all I know to check. Any help is appreciated. I cant afford for it to be down right now. Quot
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