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Everything posted by TechTy28

  1. Also this is a truck I will continually be working on so I am going to try and find that book somewhere
  2. The sensor wad bad. I replaced it and it took care of the blink code but still won't start unless I pull 10 Amp VCU fuse in the dash, pull fuse fires right up then shuts off in a few secs but if I reinstall fuse as soon as it starts it keeps running fine. Idk
  3. That's what I'm asking. Would that cause it to not start?
  4. Yes. All wires look good and tight. I pulled RPM sensor and it has zero resistance. Would that cause a no start?
  5. Joey I've got a 1999 ch613 that won't start. Will start by jumping starter from hot post to key switch wire and will start if I remove VCU fuse. I'm from an International dealer and don't know these trucks very well. You seem to know them extremely well. Any ideas?
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