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  1. I have it running off a fuel can strapped to the frame rail. It won’t come off a rough idle. It was one of those deals, where the more we messed around with it the better it would run. Prior to us buying it, it had sat since 2015’
  2. 1991 Mack Superliner glider kit truck. 400 Cummins with Jake’s. Kinda runs. 13 sp fuller with a wet kit. Very clean cab and frame. Camelback with a solid looking trunion. Things have changed on my end and I would like to see it go to someone who appreciates a clean truck. Best to call or text. 815.three 7 eight. 6six2nine
  3. Officially headed to Oklahoma
  4. I had to resign up with a new user name. Sure hope the new owners enjoy it as much as we did.
  5. Try FleetPride for new ones and any heavy truck salvage yard for used ones
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