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    1973 R685ST

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  1. Just curious if anyone has done this before, Has anyone converted from powerleash on a E7 E tech to a Jacobs brake. Have an engine with powerleash parts but no solenoids (which are $1200) and a complete spare jacobs brake setup for the an Etech. Can this be done without changing the cam or are they different? any information would be greatly appreciated.
  2. The truck came factory with a 355/380, Were thinking thats what it is, Its a good running engine, we scoped the cylinders and it has fantastic crosshatch, and 45 pounds of oil pressure at idle hot. its gonna get a top end reseal, and put in for now. we see no reason to open up the engine.
  3. Yeah More than likely a later year engine however its missing a lot of the later year parts on the motor itself, its running a Vmac3 system with the older style ECM and no sort of emmisions, one head was for sure replaced as it has previsions for a fuel return which the other doesnt. Has the conventional old school Etech manifolds, intake, and wiring. Kinda a frankenstein is what its lookin like but definitely a solid good running engine. We have sent our in house mack expert and the mack dealer for a loop on this one trying to find the right parts. FF3E5D97-4180-405F-A85C-24245BE8333C.mp4
  4. Kinda what i was thinking, However it has all the makings of a E-Tech electronically, And doesnt have a EGR system or any sort of emmisions and externally looks like an Etech prior to us disasembling it. Also has the Older style ECM location on the lower side of the block not like a Aset. Starting to think its some sort of frankstein rebuild.
  5. In the process of doing a repower, restoration and retrofit on a 1973 R600 to a E7-Etech-355/380 my college club is building, We pulled our engine out of a 2000 Mack vision, with 615xxx miles. We are almost guarenteeing the motor was rebuild or is a reman as the cylinders have amazing crosshatch, engine is clean as a whistle on the inside, as well as one of the heads was replaced at some point and the front timing cover has been messed with before(cam replacement). Non the less this is not a Jacobs brake engine, this has the Mack "powerleash" or the "Elephants foot", or "dynatard" whatever you refer to it as, it has the Mack Rocker arm engine brakes, however it is missing the solenoids and we are trying to locate them. Our parts contact cannot find anything on a Etech with Dynatard in the year truck we have and actually said that the block number says its supposed to be a jake brake engine which it isnt, and in all the Etech manuals it isnt mentioned one bit, however our truck did have a engine brake switch and all the pieces are there minus the soleniod. Can anyone shed light on why we might not have anything coming up as far as soleniods for the Dynatard. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  6. If you read through my intial message you would find all the thing you asked for minus pictures and the vin. Pictures arent going to help very much as the truck is currently disassembled in about 30 pieces for paint, and ill post a vin number up on monday when im back in the shop. To repeat what i said originally in more detail, Its a 1978.. Possibly a 1979 we arent 100% on the year, R-600 With the Mack 675ENDT 237HP engine. we absolutely arent reinventing the wheel, more so looking for information on what we have for an axle and if anyone had done a hub swap with this axle before and had knowledge to share..
  7. Hello all, im looking to see if anyone can point us in the right direction with some axle identification. Im at a student at a tech school in PA and we are in the process of converting what we believe to be a 1978/9 (motor is a 78 actual year of truck is unknown) R600 Into a service truck. In the process we replaced the camel backs with a single air ride axle out of a Mack Vision as well as removed the factory 5 speed and installed an 18 speed, with the eventual goal that the factory 237 come out and a 355 E7-Etech taking its place.. We are trying to update the front axle to have newer hub piloted or bud hubs, possibly using a whole new axle. We identified the axle in the truck to be a FA534C according to the stamping on the axle, bearings that came out of the hubs are timken 25572 and 39585. at the very least we are shooting to remove the daytons and get a regular hub piloted hub on there. but should that not be possible we also are curious if there is a axle that is interchangable with the one we currently have that would already be hub piloted. From our research we havent come up with very much in regards to this axle and was wondering if anyone had any insite to what we are looking at. any helps greatly appreciated. UPDATE: After a lot of looking and thinking we ended up sourcing a FA535 Which is a 10500 axle with bud hubs on it, that will work for our truck. Thanks for the input everyone.
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