In the process of doing a repower, restoration and retrofit on a 1973 R600 to a E7-Etech-355/380 my college club is building, We pulled our engine out of a 2000 Mack vision, with 615xxx miles. We are almost guarenteeing the motor was rebuild or is a reman as the cylinders have amazing crosshatch, engine is clean as a whistle on the inside, as well as one of the heads was replaced at some point and the front timing cover has been messed with before(cam replacement). Non the less this is not a Jacobs brake engine, this has the Mack "powerleash" or the "Elephants foot", or "dynatard" whatever you refer to it as, it has the Mack Rocker arm engine brakes, however it is missing the solenoids and we are trying to locate them. Our parts contact cannot find anything on a Etech with Dynatard in the year truck we have and actually said that the block number says its supposed to be a jake brake engine which it isnt, and in all the Etech manuals it isnt mentioned one bit, however our truck did have a engine brake switch and all the pieces are there minus the soleniod. Can anyone shed light on why we might not have anything coming up as far as soleniods for the Dynatard. Any information would be greatly appreciated.