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    1991 Mack ch 613

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  1. Just converted my 1991 e7 to mechanical this winter, it was a headache getting every little detail figured out but well worth it in my opinion, dropped around 150 degrees on the pyro and I would assume gained close to 50 horse, also getting about 1.5 mpg better than it used to.
  2. Macktruckman haven't been on here in a while but I got my pump through the engine parts super store, those same numbers and it was like $4800, hope that helps
  3. North Idaho
  4. I would assume it would get enough oil from the pump itself but I'm not sure, the original line to the econovance was used mainly for the oil pressure not so much for the oil itself so you should be fine, just out of curiosity does anyone know how many degrees of timing play there is in the front timing gear with the slots in it?
  5. Have an injection pump out of a 1991 e7 400, great working condition, part# 0 402 796 802, also have econovance with new solenoid and injection lines, also have 680b Jake brakes and all the parts to swap everything over all for that motor.
  6. Well I ran all day with no issues, same power as I originally had before my computer started going haywire so I'm happy with that, more hp to come in the future. As far as the econovance goes I just unbolted the pump from it and I believe there was 3 internal bolts for one section and then another 4 external bolts in the same configuration as the pump, I'm not real wise on how it all works but from what I gather it was made mainly for emission purposes so I didn't see any advantage to keeping it installed, and I've heard that an e6 pump will bolt up to an e7 so you should be good as long as you know where to time it, I didn't torque the nut for the timing gear tight enough the first time so mine slipped and got out of time so make sure to get that plenty tight!
  7. I bought a mechanical pump from a 1990 e7 400 with the injector lines and half of the throttle linkages, the throttle linkages was the hard part with alot of trial and error, the pump bolted in directly where the old econovance sat, just had to make a new bracket to hold the pump and another one to block off the oil return from the econovance, also had to make a new oil feed line but nothing major to this project, so far I've only test drove it and I'm very satisfied with the results, tomorrow is the first day to be put back to work, if you have any more questions hopefully I can answer them!
  8. Yeah I did ask about that but they didn't want to touch it, doesn't look like to big of a deal to disarm though
  9. Okay I talked to my pump shop guy, he wanted to check it out since it's been sitting for a little while so hopefully I'll have it back in a few days.
  10. It could be? Would I have to take the back of the pump off to see if that was the case?
  11. Okay so I should have the lines right, and yes, it's all the way back towards the cab sitting on the jake switch
  12. That's what I was hoping for! My new issue is that I'm able to get the truck started but it immediately starts to run away on me, does anyone know for sure which side of the pump is inlet and which is return?
  13. Okay that makes sense, yeah mine is a Robert Bosch pump, linkages are coming together somewhat, little more fab work and I'll be good. Has anyone ran a long bolt through the aneroid just to keep it pressed in all the time? Didn't really want to run a boost line over there and was wondering if a guy could get away with that?
  14. Not sure what an ambach is? And yes my balancer has the timing marks on it, I've had the electric pump out before and put back in myself so I know a little bit of what I'm doing, the pump I bought was out of a 1990 e7 400, was told it was timed at 18 btdc so that's what I just set this one to, just hoping I get lucky and it works
  15. Hey everyone, new to this page, I have a 1991 e7 that has been giving me computer troubles all summer, finally found a mechanical pump and injector lines to switch it to mechanical, just wondering if anyone here has advice or tips and tricks on how to convert everything, thanks.
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