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Jack Mack

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About Jack Mack

  • Birthday 01/19/1957


  • Location
    Bally, Pa.

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  • My Truck
    1957 B-85 Mack Fire tractor
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  1. Yes, it’s a gasser with the higher HP engine, the Tiller was scraped recently in last couple years before we bought her 11/24. This truck fits in my garage at home with 9’ wide by 8’ doors, tiller wouldn’t fit, would be neat but some of the pictures of the tiller look like it was getting pretty beat up, it served Boston from 1944 until 1970 when the Mack tractor and tiller were put in reserve until 1979. I just wanted a convertible Mack ever since I saw one in Macungie when I was a kid, it’s perfect that the truck and I are both Vintage 1957!….Jack
  2. What a four door version of our truck might look like!.....Jack
  3. We are just getting the truck running to have some fun with it, the lettering is not original and Tom has talked to the chief at the fire company on door. The current chief researched a bit and found the collector that bought the truck from Boston Fire had his home town of East Hampton put on door and changed ladder 11 to Ladder 1, along with putting his name "Barton" on the hood. Uh, we already have our name on hood in chrome letters, so I see the hood lettering coming off and not sure what to do on door , she served Boston FD from 1957 to 1979, so maybe she should have Ladder 11 on the door. Truck appears to have been painted once as we can see the Boston taping under the paint. Paint is pretty good and buffs ups to high gloss shine easily. We have an idea and concept photo to make her a four door to haul the grandkids around in, so a total repaint would be then if that even happens. We do have it figured out though....Jack
  4. Perhaps filming from the passenger so as not to show our desperate attempt at fixing the gas tank involved a 2 gallon jug on the running board! My brother showed up hours after I had been out working on new fuel pump, redneck fuel tank with the mission to run the motor today. Tom comes walking up showing me the new rectifier, and talking about gauges, and little stuff, ........I was like we are running her today forget that stuff the tank is full let's get going! It went well.....Jack
  5. My brother does do good work, nice air cleaner he made fit, carb was all gone over!…..Jack
  6. So the stamping of ratios on diffs means it was changed from 4.50 to 5.73 gears? Possibly when it was changed to be an off road truck perhaps. You are doing important stuff but cleaning up what looks to be the aluminum radiator and fender piece, will give you something to look at and think we’ll get this someday! Truck looks pretty good for the life it has lived……Jack
  7. Went for $4070, but still nice I always wanted a cab over until I found a B model open fire tractor. The bidder that got it was in it after the $ 1,000 mark, nice truck!…..Jack
  8. Three old Mack’s awaiting restoration in the company boneyard behind the body shop.
  9. Should have searched first, aluminum cab with a one piece fiberglass roof. NO, I can’t buy another truck ….Jack But , but it is neat 🤔
  10. Bids have not changed since 1/5, still at $3300, auction ends 1/23! Is that an aluminum cab???….Jack
  11. I was under the impression that the dual ignition was mainly for a redundant start in case of failure of the distributor or coil in use. Our B85F has the selector switch for A, B or both. It is a fire truck it has to start , and start right away. Our truck is not running yet but soon, guess we will have to play with that….Jack
  12. Nice start Frank! I bet it was one of those moments when the bed went up, another thing tested and good!…..Jack
  13. Thanks Mike, cool there is another one nearby. I’ve seen your truck at my boss’s (John Haines) truck shows . Perhaps you should take your own advice and play with your parents truck as is, it’s only brakes my friend, and it is still a red convertible …..Jack
  14. About time you get on here little brother, I’ve been here a long time! This all started on this forum and it is a great find , 1957 ,red convertible with a five speed , everybody’s dream! Took about hour to talk Tom into it. We are both pretty stoked that the descendants of Jack Mack own a Mack truck!…..Jack
  15. Thanks Ryan, the B-85 is in great condition ,low mileage and we are stoked about having a Mack in our family, she is a 1957 and was Boston Ladder 11.....Jack
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