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    Franklin County, PA

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    1962 Mack B67ST
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  1. The roof of the cab is dished from guys climbing of and off of the loader, and there's bondo in places, such as the door bottoms, but it's mostly all there.
  2. The truck is setting on 11R22.5 wheels. I will look for the transmission tag tonight. 44 mph isn't really practical. The non-highway roads around here are 55 mph between towns. I'm not out to win races, but no one has patience to follow 44 mph these days. The first purpose of this truck is to take my grandfather for a ride in it. After that, I want to remove the loader and convert it back to a 5th wheel tractor. Mostly for hauling antique tractors, and maybe logs if I get the sawmill that I want. The issues I see with the current setup: -Brakes need redone. -Gearing is too low -A 5th wheel needs to be installed -The existing frame extension was not reinforced at all, so I assume that would need done to return the registration to 72.5k combined weight tractor. It looks like all of these issues could be resolved at once and probably for cheaper by finding the right cutoff. I'm glad to have all of your help, because I was about to start looking for brake parts that I may not even need.
  3. I am glad I came here before spending on parts! I believe it still has the factory 10 speed uni-shift. The spec sheet says it should be a TRDL-725. What top speed would that give me? If I can't get 55-60 mph, then I'm going to rethink my plans with this truck.
  4. Thanks for the info. I have a chevy truck that I tried to do a few things to without removing the throttle body and OBD1 computer. Long story short, it runs, but not right. Some things are better left factory.
  5. Geoff Weeks, thanks for a strait forward overview of wedge brakes. I've read some very strong opinions in here against them. Initially the truck is just a toy and will only be driven on the weekends for fun, and if it does do any paying work, it won't be frequent. My preference on antique toys is somewhere between original and functional, so I'm not sure if the wedges stay or not. I lean towards keeping them as long as they can be rebuild for a reasonable price.
  6. Not exactly sure how to interpret the carrier data, but I wonder if it got another rear end when the loader was added. There is a weld on the frame between the cab and axles. I haven't measured the overall length, but I think it may have been lengthened. There are no holes anywhere for the 5th wheel that would have been used by Gateway originally.
  7. Finally home and starting to figure out how air brakes work. It's been off road only since 1974, so the brakes have been hacked on and cobbled back together a few times!
  8. The truck where it last sat. It's a project!
  9. First the story My grandfather assembled Mack trucks for 34 years and there has been talk in the family on and off for years about buying a B model Mack. Long story short, he bought a "toy truck" for me for Christmas. The truck was built January 6-7 1964 for Gateway Transportation in Saint Paul, Minnesota. In 1974, it was acquired by a local fishery who put a Ramey pallet loader on the truck. The truck has never seen pavement since. The pond ice doesn't get thick enough to kill the fish anymore and the truck was just setting around. The old guy who has worked there most of his life would start it up to keep it running until one time he tried and it just cranked without firing. Not sure how long ago that was, but it was within the past 5-10 years. I acquired a set of solid rims & tubeless tires and had it towed to my house. I'm starting with the brakes and axle assemblies to avoid the temptation of driving it without brakes. It has 15"x7" wedge brakes. While I'm at it, I want to address the leaking seals on the carrier assemblies. I'm not sure where to get parts. I don't just see parts list/diagrams. Also I am not aware of a parts locator like the NAPA/Autozone has on their websites. Any advice on where to start? I did purchase a set of shop manuals. All three manuals has "TS442" on the back. I believe they are the ones I need.
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