The truck is setting on 11R22.5 wheels. I will look for the transmission tag tonight.
44 mph isn't really practical. The non-highway roads around here are 55 mph between towns. I'm not out to win races, but no one has patience to follow 44 mph these days.
The first purpose of this truck is to take my grandfather for a ride in it. After that, I want to remove the loader and convert it back to a 5th wheel tractor. Mostly for hauling antique tractors, and maybe logs if I get the sawmill that I want.
The issues I see with the current setup:
-Brakes need redone.
-Gearing is too low
-A 5th wheel needs to be installed
-The existing frame extension was not reinforced at all, so I assume that would need done to return the registration to 72.5k combined weight tractor.
It looks like all of these issues could be resolved at once and probably for cheaper by finding the right cutoff. I'm glad to have all of your help, because I was about to start looking for brake parts that I may not even need.