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    2007 Mack Granite CV713 AI400

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  1. I followed the valve adjustment procedure per the manual and a video off of YouTube on an ai400 with a Mack mechanic. I did pull the push rods and roll them across a flat surface. They seemed fine. I’m going back into the engine today to start all over from the beginning and try it again. I’ll check all the suggestions so far. Thanks
  2. On my ai400 the valve bridge on cylinder #1 and #6 keeps jumping off even after doing a full valve adjustment. It will run for a few days but eventually I notice a decrease in power and a lot of white smoke which tells me the bridge came off again. I don’t see any noticeable damage to the valve springs or rocker arms. Any idea why this is happening?
  3. Thank you for the info!!!
  4. I’m trying to find out if there is a specific trailer wiring harness for my Mack Granite cv713? Hopefully a plug and play hookup.
  5. My 2007 Mack CV713 engine has AI400 and 2006 on the valve cover id tag. My question is: are the AI400 and an E7 the same engines in 2006 if you were swapping the engine assembly out? My vin number shows that I have an E7 from the Mack dealership. Any help would be appreciated.
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