Hey y’all brand new here and happy to be a part of the Mack truck site! Always loved big trucks and equipment since I was a little kid. First one I ever got to see close up was an old cab over freightliner that my grandparents had for their logging company when I was a little kid.Earlier this year I got hired at a local sand and gravel/ excavation company as a mechanic for everything and I love every minute of it! I’ve been wrenching all my life but I’ve never really enjoyed wrenching on anything as much as I enjoy wrenching on these old trucks and equipment, well besides classic cars and motorcycles that is. Our fleet of trucks are 2 98 cl series Macks, 2000 international 4900 tri axle, and a 99 Ken worth T800. Here is a picture of the truck I’m working on right now. It’s a cl713 with the E7-460 Mack engine. It’s randomly quitting and losing all power in the cab. I am not sure what the problem is. I’m told it could be the solenoid on the firewall next to the wiper motor