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    Montrose Michigan

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  • My Truck
    1998 Mack cl713
  • Interests
    I like most anything with an engine and am a bit of a diesel nut. Been wrenching since I was a little kid. Love working on big trucks, equipment, classic cars/trucks, and classic motorcycles

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  1. Ok I will look at that next. Thanks man
  2. Not that I remember
  3. Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Tugged on the harness around the engine by the ecm on the passenger side and can’t get the truck to die. It died right after I hit the parking brake release before I pulled it into the garage this morning which I figured it was a fluke. All the power in the cab stayed on and I was able to get it started after a long crank
  4. I’ll check it out at work tomorrow thank you
  5. It’s the E7-460 engine so I believe it does on the passenger side of the engine next to the eco
  6. Yes I know. It was a used solenoid and ground breaker off of the same model Mack
  7. Well guys I found an old used solenoid and ground breaker in the barn and swapped em out and she still quits and does the same thing so I don’t know
  8. I wasn’t looking unfortunately because my boss was in the truck. I had the switch panel under the ash tray and cup holder pulled today and didn’t see any relays in there but I will look again tomorrow. I did discover another fuse panel under the hood I didn’t know about though. The solenoid on the firewall has three wires running off of one side. One goes down to the starter solenoid I think, one goes into the cab, and the other goes to the fuse panel under the hood
  9. Doesn’t matter if you’re moving or not it will just quit and lose power in the cab. This morning it was 20 degrees and I fired it up cold without the heater blower on, it died almost immediately after it was running and lost power in the cab. I jumped the starter and let the starter motor run for a second , got back in it after I snuffed her with a little ether and she fired right up and ran.
  10. Thanks bob!
  11. Yes everything in the cab goes dead. Even the cig lighter when the key is on I only know that because it killed my power probe when the key way on. Even the lights on the truck and trailer weren’t functioning. I did check the battery cables and everything was kosher there as far as I could tell. I was able to put power to the battery wire pictured going to the fuse panel and the heater blower powered up and the truck would crank and fire up, but die seconds later. Idk if it was a fluke or what but my boss showed up and was able to keep the truck running by shutting the heater off and we got it back to the yard. The acc relay you’re talking about, is it behind the gauge cluster?
  12. Hey y’all brand new here and happy to be a part of the Mack truck site! Always loved big trucks and equipment since I was a little kid. First one I ever got to see close up was an old cab over freightliner that my grandparents had for their logging company when I was a little kid.Earlier this year I got hired at a local sand and gravel/ excavation company as a mechanic for everything and I love every minute of it! I’ve been wrenching all my life but I’ve never really enjoyed wrenching on anything as much as I enjoy wrenching on these old trucks and equipment, well besides classic cars and motorcycles that is. Our fleet of trucks are 2 98 cl series Macks, 2000 international 4900 tri axle, and a 99 Ken worth T800. Here is a picture of the truck I’m working on right now. It’s a cl713 with the E7-460 Mack engine. It’s randomly quitting and losing all power in the cab. I am not sure what the problem is. I’m told it could be the solenoid on the firewall next to the wiper motor
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