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Russ Wildfong

Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by Russ Wildfong

  1. Hey a quick update; I got the fuel pump rebuilt. Wilkinson diesel in Regina did it. Truck is running way better now. Still blubbers a bit on start up. We replaced the econoadvance spring and seals before installing the rebuilt pump. It still blubbers a bit on start up, which it always has since I bought it. the local dealership wouldn’t give me the timing procedure tech sheets just a rough idea how to set timing. also where does a guy look for body parts for an old CH600? I want to change the fender behind the steering wheels and get rid of the fairing that goes back. I think a stainless visor would look cool too but I don’t know where to look! new rear fenders turned out nice!
  2. Hey I’m working on an E7 350 with the Econo advance. It was running awful so I got the heads rebuilt and just got them back on. Now we can’t get fuel through the pump. Took the pump and econo off and sending it away to rebuild. Should a guy switch it over to mechanical pump or stick with the factory setup?
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