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Dirt Farmer Mechanic

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    Redford, NY

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  • My Truck
    2002 LE613 FEL garbage truck
  • Interests
    things without engines like canoes, soil microbes, community, decentralization, sustainability

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  1. I have a laptop that I run my VW aftermarket program on. Also, an older BOSCH VCI interface “box” that I’ve used to flash GMs. I don’t think it runs the same protocol tho?
  2. for starters, the aforementioned 2002. But I expect to have to purchase newer versions (still at least 10+ yrs old but similar E techs or MP7s?) since 2002 and older are hard to find. Usage would be scanning/clearing codes in engine, abs, trans, reading live data, and possible connectivity for deletions with newer trucks that I don’t have at this time. The last is less important at this time. I hear the tech bit. I appreciate your time and don’t want to force an answer
  3. I added the fancy funnel, topped the level, ran it for about 15 min on Friday when we had a balmy 34°. No gas bubbles of any sort. The volume level tends to rise until i raise the RPM, at which point it goes down. I see no point on fretting any further at this time. Thanks for that recommendation. I like the feeling of greater certainty. Joey, do you have any scanner recommendations? I use a Snapon Modis for cars but I don’t think I want that for this or future Macks. Suggestions welcome. Cheers
  4. Thanks Joey. I do believe that it takes a few min before it begins to build pressure. You mean the funnel extender that seals around the cap? I think I have one. I think I have a block tester and fluid also…
  5. Greetings Good People, I recently acquired a 2002 Mack LE613 E7 with 268,000 miles. Drove it north 400 miles to get it home a few wks ago. I noticed prior to driving that even at idle, there’s a build up of pressure in the cooling system of a few pounds after a few minutes. I didn’t seem to go thru coolant on the 400 mile drive, there’s no coolant in the oil, and zero tendency to overheat. In my automotive world, I’d say early signs of a headgasket. Do I just continue to roll with it for now? should I expect to do a head gasket sooner than later? Is this somewhat normal?
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