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    2009 Mack GU713

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  1. I recently bought a 2009 Mack GU713 with a maxitorque manual transmission. while checking some fluids, I noticed an automatic Dextron fluid container located on the driver side, at the top close to the firewall. Why would there be an automatic fluid container for a manual transmission, or is this used for something else? I have the MP7 engine. Any information would be greatly appreciated (i’m a newbie)!
  2. I could use some help on getting this backup light to work again. It appears that there’s no power to the light, so I’m wondering if there’s a specific fuse and relay, also where to find them(I hear there’s two fuse boxes)?
  3. LizJiz


    Joey Mack… Will this help with identifyingrelays and fuses?
  4. Joey Mack… I have a 2009 Mack GU713 and one of my lighter Outlets is not working, any suggestions?
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