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Everything posted by 62hotcat

  1. They deliver to a Garden Center down the street. Caught it going by loaded. Heard it on its way back was ready with camera. I saw they have a Pete Cabover now.
  2. Welcome to BMT. What a cool project.
  3. Welcome to the BMT. What a cool superliner. Caught this beauty running past my house. Monmouth Materials always have something nice.
  4. Yes 1/87 is HO scale. R Model is probably AMT 1/24 or 25 scale.
  5. 1/24 my dad built many years ago.
  6. Few more I revived.
  7. Thats going to be awhile. My sister has them and we are not exactly close. i am working on it.
  8. Mostly Kit bashed. The Freightliner is a truck I remember as a kid.
  9. Other brands I have built.
  10. I have so much more from my dad. He used to ride his bike to the NJ Turnpike and film trucks coming out of toll. Early 60s.
  11. I have a lot of repeats. You can see the damage from being in Hurricane Sandy Flood on some of them. I take them apart and soak them in lacquer thinner takes paint right off. Then refinish them. Have to get more pics of ones I Kit Bashed. Large bunk and a Wrecker.
  12. Some of my Ulrich Macks some my father bought and built in the late 50s early 60s. I am currently refurbishing them as they got damaged in Hurricane Sandy basement flood.
  13. Stumbled upon this site when I Google searched John Mauro's Mack. I am a 57-year-old Garage supervisor for NJDOT past 22 yrs. I restore Muscle cars for a hobby. Hopefully a classic semi someday. Have always loved trucks along with my dad. I am a member of ATHS and ATCA. Dad was also a member also a member of both and the Metro Jersey Chapter before his passing. We used to drive around looking at trucks mid 70s thru mid 80s. Have a lot of mostly crappy photos I will try and scan and share. Also, I am into building 1/87 scale trucks I have a pretty big collection of Ulrich Macks some my dad built back in the 50s.
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