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    ‘94 ch600

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  1. Is that a programmer or something?
  2. Different diameter or different bends?
  3. In a 94 ch613. New Speedo from Mack is over $600 which I’m assuming is the problem. Anyone ever had one repaired if so can you share where?
  4. Pros and cons of getting rid of electronic governor? Only downsides I could see is losing cruise and possible labor involved with putting in throttle linkage and some other odds and ends. From what I’ve read the electronics were retarded some from the mechanicals likely due to emissions.
  5. It’s really a shame that Jacob’s didn’t release that 349 sooner and give them more time to perfect the wear issues. I think they only made them a couple years before Cat went to the E model so they scrapped it. But if you look at the diagram of the operations you could really tell why they were so much better. I’m betting something similar could have been done with Mack
  6. Interesting. So I’m brand new to these engines. These Jakes only open 1 valve? On my 3406 the slave pushes down the bridge therefore opens both. I have it in for an overhaul right now and have been doing a fair bit of research for the Jake on it as they were always pretty less than impressive also unless you could find the diamond in the rough 349a. But it looks like the Jacob’s version for these Mack’s are the same operating principal as the more common (poor performing) 346’s on the 3406 cats according to the brochures. As you said, I think lack of oil pressure was the big reason they didn’t perform well. The 349a’s cured that with a trigger piston and larger oil reservoir to increase pop reaction, but supposedly the triggers wore in the bore and made them junk after so many uses
  7. That would definitely get it away from the air bag
  8. Looks a little blurry zooming in on the bottom of it to see the elbows
  9. Sitting in line at the elevator I’m noticing my temp gauge bounce around pretty erratically. Noticed it reading a little higher going down the road earlier so was worried maybe thermostat but now that I’m watching it it looks like it’s moving too fast for that. Are these gauges mechanical or is there a sender somewhere to look for?
  10. That’s what I wondered. Would a dealer have a parts breakdown of where and what all that is?
  11. Yes I probably will when I do an overhead. By the way, where do you come up with Mack repair manuals? Website I ordered my cat stuff from has nothing for Mack
  12. I guess I’m mostly wanting to know if there are any factor brackets or shields missing to put a 90 on it. It’s awfully close to that air bag like it is also so don’t know if there was another elbow to get it away from that
  13. Negative on that one. Guessing a muffler isn’t cheap. Just wanting to clean the bend up. Plus it sounds good 😎
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