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Everything posted by Sharp1227

  1. It was like 43 psi at 1200 rpm’s I’m at the doctor as soon as i get done I’ll hook back up to it and give the exact reading pretty sure that’s what it was
  2. Yes that was the first thing I did
  3. No just the boost pressure code goes active
  4. No turbo didn’t drop anything in the exhaust Veins were sticking in the turbo and the vgt something was wrong with the nozzle and it wasn’t communicating this is a 2009 mack gu 813 mp7 engine I kind of figured it was fuel just haven’t figured out what the cause is
  5. Well the truck won’t get over 20 to 30 mph revs and idles like nothing is wrong but if you put it in drive and take off with the pedal to the floor barely goes turbo and vgt was bad had it rebuilt and a new vgt installed and calibrated has an inactive code for turbo speed sensor lost communication and a boost pressure code that’s only active when you rev it past half throttle let go it goes inactive has new turbo speed sensor new boost pressure it’s been deleted egr is blocked off cleaned all fuel lines ecm cooler been cleaned new fuel filters truck fire right up every time no problem doesn’t smoke or anything I have a laptop with software like Jpro and tech tool don’t believe it has anything to do with the delete this is the 3rd truck I’ve had deleted by the same guy with no problems but I guess anything is possible
  6. We have a 2009 Mack Roll Off truck. We’ve replaced just about everything on it.. and we still don’t have any power. Has anyone else had this issue? If so, what did you end up doing to fix it? Please help!! 😩
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