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Nathanwhit1 last won the day on February 2

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    Sheffield uk

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  1. It’s strange as can’t see anywhere it would fasten too and no wiring anywhere. I’m wondering if it’s something to do with that electrical box I found behind the dash
  2. I will take a couple more photos 2moro
  3. Evening all. Is this the tacho drive ?. It’s not connected just a couple of wires and half a rusty cable on it ?
  4. When the girl friend she’s bored at home so I say u have no time to be bored when there’s a truck to get done.
  5. So no one thinks I should go back to how it was in its working days then lol
  6. So I have to let my painter know what sort of design I want for the cruise liner. What are people’s thoughts. Do I go for an out of the factory paint design, go back to how it was in its working days or just do something completely different. It’s a hard one cheers Nathan
  7. Yeah my supplier has said the same so going to see what he can get me
  8. After cleaning mine up all the casing was cracked and some bits missing. So it’s gone away to be either repaired or replaced
  9. My local stockist is trying to sort me something
  10. Well removing the alternator should have been a quick 2 min job, 2 hours later and it’s finally off, every bolt was seized solid and had to nibble away at them with the grinder. Happy days 🤣
  11. Sound thank you. Just trying to source a repair kit online over here in the uk
  12. Is that a serviceable item ?
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