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Nathanwhit1 last won the day on February 2

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    Sheffield uk

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  1. Na bid there sealed units so replaced them
  2. After checking the pump and then disconnecting the ujs from the box I knew it had to be something silly that’s when I found the bearings
  3. So I found the problem. The bearings for the steering column what goes thru the cab floor were seized solid. So fully stripped cleaned and new bearings fitted today so will refit the bearing on Sunday
  4. That’s what I thought if I crack them off when engine is running I will know if it’s working properly etc
  5. Ah sound I will have a look cheers. I guess if I crack the pipes off there should be a lot of pressure out of the pipes ?
  6. Might be an expensive part to get over to the uk that’s only thing
  7. Hmm will have look 2moro. If it’s stuck in low is it an easy fix ?
  8. It’s the Mack e6 engine
  9. Would they be a filter anywhere ?
  10. Yeah good point. I am going to drop all the oil out of the system at the weekend and renew it all so will see if that helps
  11. Sound will have a look cheers pal
  12. Tbh looks like it runs of back of the compressor. It’s the Mack e6 engine I think 305hp
  13. Evening all I’ve managed to do the first run out in the cruise liner ( yippee ) the steering is very heavy. I’ve checked the oil level and it was low so topped it up. I’ve greased everything up all ujs and king pins. Is it worth dropping the oil out of the steering box and draining the system and put all fresh oil in or what do people recommend to do ? Cheers everyone
  14. It’s strange as can’t see anywhere it would fasten too and no wiring anywhere. I’m wondering if it’s something to do with that electrical box I found behind the dash
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