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  1. I’ve got a Mack cxu613 with an MP8 engine 10 speed manual transmission. After Harvest the truck was washed and sat for a few months out in the elements(no available spots in shed). Temps swung between 30 degrees to -30 a few times during this period. Needed to bring into shop for general maintenance. When parked and washed it ran fine. On a warmer day I plugged in block heater and battery charger for batteries. Would crank but not start. Figured fuel was gelled up so replaced both filters and batteries. Tried priming but primer button never got stiff like they should. What’s my best bet for getting it running or diagnosing what could be the issue. Has been in my shop for the better half of the week. Only active fault code is dpf sensor which was rubbing on harness and shorted on metal.
  2. I should add there was one active fault code for the dpf sensor. Positive wire had rubbed on harness so fixed it. Tested dpf sensor plugged in and was 4.19 volts on positive -.85 on neutral and .85 on signal wire with the key on. No boost air leaks from what I’ve seen so far. Fuel lines have no cracks or broken off. Filter housing bad? Worst case is injector cups or injector itself. Rather not throw that kinda money at the truck if that’s not gonna solve my issue.
  3. I’ve got a Mack cxu613 with an MP8 engine 10 speed manual transmission. After Harvest the truck was washed and sat for a few months out in the elements(no available spots in shed). Temps swung between 30 degrees to -30 a few times during this period. Needed to bring into shop for general maintenance. When parked and washed it ran fine. On a warmer day I plugged in block heater and battery charger for batteries. Would crank but not start. Figured fuel was gelled up so replaced both filters and batteries. Tried priming but primer button never got stiff like they should. What’s my best bet for getting it running or diagnosing what could be the issue. Has been in my shop for the better half of the week. Any suggestions would be helpful. Will try to answer questions to the best of my ability.
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