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Everything posted by mrgumby

  1. You heard correct. I know of one that got pulled over with no license and drinking a beer. He was told to pull over finish his beer and go home. The cops were told unless they killed someone leave them alone and send them on their way. They live in motels and are given phones and meal card to spend as needed and now new law by this lesbo gov is giving them a drivers license She is an idiot
  2. Holly crap. This world needs an enema ! What is happening to this world ?
  3. Is your motor turning the correct way I’ve seen many wired wrong. Just a thought
  4. Did the wider front offset rims change your turning radius at all or much did you notice ?
  5. Have you checked it with another gauge ? That happened to me. It was a bad gauge giving a false reading. Just a thought
  6. We used to call them Aeroquip fittings years ago trucks were loaded with these hoses and fitting. Now people just wanna go buy a hose instead of making them Made many a many hoses with them
  7. A fair weather truck. Now you need a fair weather truck driver.
  8. Did you check partsam lights
  9. That piggly wiggly pic made my piggly wiggly wiggle lol
  10. Ya 50 or 60 to 1 is about right they have a high torque that’s a higher ratio but 129 is a good price they are all made out of country china or where ever
  11. To much work for me. To many variables I’ll pass or fail you decide
  12. I’m not sure but I think 2002 was when the spring loaded rods came out and I think it was a fix for the old or original ceramics cam followers cracking or chipping. I may be wrong but something like that If it was a Mack reman then it should have the updated spring loaded rods. Dunno why it wouldn’t
  13. I would like a glass of fresh squeezed lemonade Please!
  14. Wait. Don’t return them yet. They are that long to fit different vehicles. You need to measure your old cans asumming they were cut correctly and cut the new ones to that length.
  15. Those were the days of free speech
  16. And a happy Father’s Day to all you sumbitches and many more to come
  17. If it’s a wabco those parts aren’t cheap anymore. The head parts and unloader valve are almost as much as a new comp I
  18. 20 years you say. Well we know it wasn’t made in china.
  19. The guy that drove that b model was the envy of every truck driver he met in 1967. He was a lucky driver to have a/c
  20. Well I’ll help her load her trunk !
  21. Yes on Baldwin filters being subpar I’ve had cases of bad Baldwin filters. When they have a bad batch I think I get them. Been a lot of cracked fuel filters lately. I hate Baldwin filters I thought they were half way decent at one time but not any more but these are the filters the company buys so I use them
  22. E6 flat tappet cam did you check the cam and lifters?
  23. Happy. New year to every one also. Can’t be any worse than last year. Had a heart attack rushed in to bypass surgery starting to feel really good now. living to see another year they’ll have to try harder next year. Just heard Betty white passed Rip Betty you were an original
  24. The switch on tr pump needs to be pushed in to complete the contact when you take you foot off the throttle it rests on the switch to push it in to complete the contact. Now you said one wire on the pump switch is aground? You don’t have 12 volts going through the switch to a ground. Not correct. Usually on the wire going to the head they put a bleed off resistor to ground along with the 12 +volt wire going to the head You should have 12+ voltage going through the switch with the pump linkage resting on it to close the switch to complete the circuit When you step on the throttle the switch open breaking the circuit
  25. The aliens have landed
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