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Everything posted by mrgumby

  1. i I use this
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytSVUlInq0A
  3. where did you put the ground? try runnin a temporary ground directly to the battery ..you may have a band ground in the cab and maybe creating a ground loop..check all grounds to cab..seen bad grounds cause many hot wires
  4. do you have brake and tail lights on the same bulb could be directional switch
  5. you could do a conversion kit http://www.hendrickson-intl.com/kits/conversion_kits.html
  6. do you have the old ones http://www.damperdoctor.com/
  7. here is another topic
  8. thats a teflon coating and can cause a vibration at high speed..when you put the shaft back together did you phase it correctly
  9. good deal i new one of those would work its just been a long time and couldn't remember ...now you dont have to worry about it rollinng away...did you do just one axle or both?
  10. there is also a relay for the engine brake have you tried a new one..check the pump switch and the clutch pedal switch
  11. any idea what model seat it is
  12. oh my!
  13. also if it has vtg it could be the vtg controller
  14. i may be wrong but we had a 98 ch with the mack 18 speed in it and had the same problem...seems they had problem with bearings in them...mack called it a silent recall they only fixed them as needed we had two of them that had problems with the mack 18 speed that year...after we had it repaired they worked great .. but there were times when it shifted fine ..and then it wouldnt shift at all..or would grind real bad between low and high....also have you checked the valve on the stick seen those go bad too
  15. have you checked the lift pump?
  16. I series type 24 click on I series then click on type 24
  17. i thought haldex made one like they put on the old dm's thougt they fit the old b's to..they look like this http://epi.hbsna.com/products/catalog.asp?msi=0&sid=AEF36CF54F644D039C26FBF1834D24D1&dept_select=427 http://epi.hbsna.com/products/dept.asp?msi=0&sid=AEF36CF54F644D039C26FBF1834D24D1&dept_id=417&parent_id=0
  18. http://partsmanuals.org/spicer-service-manuals/ thought it might help somebody can never have too much info
  19. http://www.tremec.com/anexos/SPTS001-0306_130.pdf it might give you some idea
  20. yes big joes nephew
  21. they lost mack in avon now its ballard that was a couple years ago....heard pete was taking their pete dealership and they have another company thats gonna biuld a brand new dealership
  22. just wondering if any body has heard that mcdevitt is losing the peterbilt dealership...first mack now pete
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