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Everything posted by mrgumby

  1. http://www.grpipes.com/heavyduty/Mack.pdf
  2. did you remember to put the nylon insulator in
  3. now you know why the air cleaner stacks are so high
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=js2_qQI1w0w
  5. heres another one https://southcoast.craigslist.org/cto/5390236999.html
  6. usually thats a sign of the check valve leaking back to the tank.. is the check valve between the tank and filter... is the gasket for the filter housing tight .... i have seen the locking ring get cracks in it and not seal properly....
  7. Loss of Prime:When air is introduced into the fuelsystem, (iedraining water from the Fuel Pro or whenreplacing the fuel filter) a check valve is needed tokeep the fuel system primed from the Fuel Pro backto the fuel tankA check valve is standard with everyFuel ProATo test for proper check valve operation,remove the fuel inlet hose and open the ventcapFuel should not flow out of the Fuel Pro,although a slight seepage of fuel is normalBIf fuel drains back to the fuel tank, remove thecheck valve assembly at the fuel inlet fittingDisassemble the check valve assemblyCleanand inspectReplace the assembly if any cuts,grooves or nicks are evident in the ball or bodyseatReinstall the check valve assembl
  8. can you see any visible leaks check valve leaking is it mounted higher than fuel tank just some ideas
  9. yes depending on which cover you have on yours ,,, or if you dont have the correct cover you can buy a conversion kit from chelsea
  10. http://www.firenews.org/fires/b/plantshoe.html https://books.google.com/books?id=RP_5vV_atJYC&pg=PA116&lpg=PA116&dq=temp+for+february+1+1976+boston&source=bl&ots=cbyK-k28B9&sig=-JiJAAlF-KFG6XQagU9BtxSN1Vw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwix_uj_7OrJAhWKeD4KHU5qCs8Q6AEISTAH#v=onepage&q=temp%20for%20february%201%201976%20boston&f=false
  11. is this the brake you have http://hr.mckenzietank.com/maint/Bulletins/45-sb266016.pdf
  12. i remember the old 6 speeds had reverse in the main stick ..if i remember correctly that was in 68 or 69 ..then the newer 6 speeds were that pattern
  13. https://truckpartsinventory.com/grilles-mack-parts
  14. try looking at a CL elite grill
  15. if you run green http://www.filterfinder.com/PDF%20Files/Cummins%20Filtration/Cooling/Coolant%20Products%20Brochure.pdf dont know if you run a treated coolant filer or not but you should test it to see if you need to add some sca
  16. you know that number rings a bell to me.. i think we used to have an old steco dump trailer that used that same drum
  17. up date............... jhancock I took your avice and picked up a pair of the 68897 drum. I cut them down and they fit like they were made for it....there is even plent of the anti expansion ring left on it .. thank you BMT members you guys are great!
  18. thanks for the replies both are good info..all the truck info is at the shop so i'll do the partsseek monday morning. also the turning down the 7 inch drum is something i'll look into also..thanks
  19. i'm in need of 2 ....161/2 X4 inch front brake drums from a 1975 r model. here are the specs 12 3/4 bolt spacing 11 inch center hole the old gunite numers i have are 8565x 3607x I know these are an odd drum maybe this is an old ups truck i don't know but I have searched hi and low and can't seem to find a thing. any help on finding these would be great! thanks
  20. ideas for ya http://www.landlinemag.com/Magazine/2012/Feb/Features/mafia-secrets.aspx
  21. reverse is in the main stick that was just the auxillary pattern
  22. check the VTG actuator could be screwing up off and on thats what mine was doing sometimes it would hold and sometimes it wouldn't
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