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Everything posted by mrgumby

  1. I get them from mack buy them 12 at a time cause it seems my local dealer doesn’t even keep them in stock
  2. I tried it didn’t like it. The site works fine on my iPhone and iPad no problems here
  3. Stuck rack maybe? Is turbo sucking oil?
  4. http://www.phillips66lubricants.com.hk/products_diesel.html 55 Gallon Applications • On-highway diesel trucks equipped with cooled-EGR, ACERT or other technologies to meet 2004 and earlier exhaust emission standards • Older diesel equipment with conventional, non-EGR engines • Mixed fleets with both diesel and gasoline-fueled vehicles • Off-highway construction, earth moving and mining equipment • Farm equipment with diesel or gasoline engines Hydroclear Power-D meets or exceeds the requirements of: • API Service CI-4 with CI-4 PLUS, CI-4, CH-4, SL • Cummins CES 20078 • Detroit Diesel DFS 93K214 • Mack EO-N Premium Plus 03 • Renault VI RLD-2 • Volvo VDS-3 • ACEA E7-04, E5-02, E3-96 • Caterpillar ECF-2, ECF-1-a • Cummins CES 20077 • Global DHD-1 ˙MAN 271, 3275 • Mercedes-Benz Sheet 228.3 • MTU MTL 5044 Type 2 View PDF
  5. Those are some big long curved peckers I’ll give you that. But that’s not what I’m looking for. Lol
  6. Yes we have one set up like that where I work. . 2005. the 1998 isn’t set up that way
  7. Shertzer used to be a common low bed around here. Think they went out of business in the late 70s there about That were built pretty heavy as were most back then
  8. they have flashers that’s buzz as a reminder for the driver to shut it off. Do you have one of those??
  9. What are they shifting automatics manually now so the can use the jake 😆😆
  10. That’s the high performance duel feed snorkel unit that also guards against alien invasions Wow that’s top shelf right there
  11. I can’t see it. Is it only me?.
  12. As long as no one was hurt. Not including your pride that’s the main thing
  13. Ya know I drive an 87 a car just like that for 6 years and I don’t remember what the emblems looked like or said on them. Shame on me
  14. Look to see if it has a parking brake lever in the cab make sure that’s off
  15. Not leaking but when you take your foot off the brake pedal is it exhausting the air I’ve had them not releasing air and releases back through the foot valve. just a thought
  16. Make sure the quick release valves are working if not they will bleed off through the brake valve
  17. I liked the old steco dumps. I pull a kruz once in a while and I hate it
  18. Maybe a k. The last k I was one was about 15 years ago Hard to remember
  19. Maybe he meant so say go grab lunch 😀😀
  20. Did you try pai I know they used to sell them
  21. Don’t forget to make sure all your yokes on trans and rear ends are tight too. I usually chock the front wheels release the brakes and jack up the rears when I do this so it unloads the driveline
  22. https://www.bulktransporter.com/archive/article/21646547/new-engine-technology-lets-mack-adhere-to-emissions-rules-satisfy-vocational-market
  23. Biggest Is EGR system and cam
  24. Well that’s the second time I’ve seen that happened. Luckily the fist time the guy was making a turn At an intersection I was behind him when he stopped suddenly. He got out walked back to me handed me the wheel and said here it’s your turn to drive. I said wow good thing you weren’t going down the hiway. That was a b81
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