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About Bulldawg1981

  • Birthday 10/13/1981


  • Location
    Amarillo Texas

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  • My Truck
    1994 CH613
  • Interests
    Ford trucks, classic trucks, especially the R model Mack.
  • Gender

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  1. Hey, that’s good to know! I was going to fit my 350 with a 427 turbo but this sounds like a much better option for my 94 as well! I’m really excited to hear back from you when you have a chance to run yours with it a little bit. Have any pictures of your truck?
  2. Thank you jzack! I was hoping for something like this.. i appreciate you posting this link.
  3. Thank you Geoff!!! That’s exactly what I was hoping for.
  4. Looking for a good used Blixxton box for sale for my 94 Ch613 vmac 1 truck, they went out of business two years ago and getting a new one is not an option unfortunately.
  5. Called Rochester the other day and they said that Blixxton went out of business two years ago and I don’t know who else would have something like this as another option.
  6. Thank you sir! I’ll check into red dot
  7. My 94 CH613 has the little 40 some odd inch flat top sleeper and it didn’t come factory with an air conditioner in the sleeper. What are some options to put an aftermarket a/c in the sleeper?
  8. Called Rochester the other day and they informed me that the company that went out of business two years ago. What other options are there comparable to Blixxton?
  9. Thank you guys for the input, this is the information I was looking for and the detailed responses are what I was looking for.
  10. Yes sir! I’ve got it pulled apart now and I’m about to try it out.
  11. Mine is a vmac 1, not the full mechanical engine, sorry for not specifying.
  12. It’s the Vmac 1 set up on a 94 CH.. I guess I should have mentioned that.
  13. This truck had a boo boo some time it’s its life and boogered the bottom part of the cab up. It looks like this section can be cut out and replaced but I’m not sure if Mack still makes this piece. Thoughts?
  14. I just recently purchased a 94 CH613 and it has the Eaton DS402 diffs with 4.33 gearing on Mack air ride. I’d like to swap out to higher gear (lower numerically) to have better rpm’s at highway speeds and I would like to replace the Eaton rears with Mack top loaders (personal preference) if it’s not too much of a hassle. Will the Mack rears bolt right where the eatons currently are or are the mounting brackets totally different to where I’d have to have a complete cut off installed? I can’t seem to find this info anywhere and was hoping someone in here could point me in the right direction! Thank you.
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