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    2004 Mack Ch613

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  1. *I have not had I sorry
  2. Had I also drove 2 other E-tech Mack’s that done the same thing and it ended up having head gasket replaced on both of them
  3. I’ve always heard that when one starts pushing water out the bottom reservoir that it’s more than like a blowed head gasket or bad head it’s self
  4. I have the E-tech not ASET
  5. The truck is pushing water out the bottom antifreeze reservoir on the 2 tank system
  6. What will it tell me if I have a open circuit or not
  7. I’ve checked fuse and relay had have power on on both talked to a buddy and he told me either a broke wire or switch is going bad or has gone bad
  8. I have clearence light on the truck but not the trailer could that possibly be a bad headlight switch
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