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    Granbury Texas

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    2014 Mack Pinnacle MP8

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  1. For any that may be interested, turned out to be a bad turbocharger. She just couldn’t breathe. Took the turbo loose; enough to achieve a gap between the exhaust manifold & turbo, and she started. Installed turbo kit; good as new. Thanks for all the engagement.
  2. I’m leaning that way as well. With all the reading I’ve been doing, seems the cups/injectors are problematic on the MP8.
  3. We’ve seen posts on that topic. Honestly, my thoughts are if we are spraying ether directly into the turbo, and it’s not firing off…at all, there’s another issue other than fuel. Maybe not enough compression. ??? Funny this all started abruptly after a few start n run sessions to keep batteries up and critters out.
  4. I’m with you on the ether. We’re gonna figure this out at some point. Appreciate the engagement. 😉
  5. Yes…pump never gets real firm. Cranks no start even while pumping. Won’t even fire with ether. Sounds like it wants to light but doesn’t.
  6. Thank God for you & this post. My son is transferring his moving business from California to Texas (for obvious reasons). However, it has not been an easy process getting his authority and such. So, it’s been parked for 3 months while he waits on the bureaucrats. To keep things moving & batteries up, I’ve been going over where it’s parked to start it and idle it up to build air and such and let it run for 30 minutes or so. On the fourth trip she started and died within about a minute. Cranked for a while but no start. Tried for an hour to get her running but no dice. Had a friend who works on Mack’s come over and try. He said it would start with ether but no go after a couple trips and tries. Son finally gets his IFTA and apportion plate and flies out to see if we can fix it. When we tried we ran into the problem mentioned in the quoted post. We would have never found the problem had it not been for “Mackpro” and his leading us to the fuse in the top of the dash THANK YOU!! Still cranks no fire, so we’re dealing with that but hope to figure it out soon. Now, at least it functions properly with the key and crank over.
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