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Everything posted by superdog405

  1. Would have been easier to buy a pete or kw with a CAT too ! But what would the fun in that been.
  2. I lucked out and got the bumper for under 400 from lkq, had a few scratches in it. only one they had. Stone guards came from youngstown KWs online store, bought the last two packs they had. Found both by looking around the internet in places you would think you would'nt find the stuff.
  3. Looks alot like some one pumped compressed air into a D11, lol !
  4. Figured I'd trow a pic of my dog on this thead, '87 ,big 3406 cat, 18 spd. , 44's on HN
  5. 28k ! Happy with that,it's got a 3/8 floor. And my western stars are a good thousand heavier with 7/16 floor, there also a foot and a half longer.
  6. Thanks, I really like how it turned out. I had it lettered on the 14th and hauled its first load on the 17th.
  7. Hauled first load today, got a couple bugs to work out, but all in all it went well.
  8. Ok guys, found some time to update with new pics, its done and on the road !
  9. Changing speedo head in my '87 superliner over to elec., using a speedo head from a late '90s Le,Mr, Rd etc.. They have 6 wires coming out of the plug. I would assume that 2 go to sending unit ,2 to an ecm (that I don't have) and a power and ground . My question is, if I'm only using 4 wires, witch 4 are they ? Thanks
  10. Looks like my next vacation may be to denmark !
  11. And yes , most trans will put you at max of 55 or 60 mph against the pump, had the same set up in a 90' 713 and switched out mack trans for fuller 8LL and 60 was tops with the 5:37 gears.
  12. Don't know how much you want to get involved , but I have a 7LL fuller an pair of Mack rears at 4:42 in heaver duty cast housings that came out from behind a 300 in my 87 superliner. Trans has pto on it and everything in good shape, came from Montana . 7LL same as 8LL ,just one less gear. And it has the hard to find bell housing on it!
  13. Thanks guys, mackey , it's steel. Pic of it on first page of thread. For our friend down under and any one else it can help. The front mount is 6 1/8 " from back of cross member to center of mounting bolt. hole size will depend on your engine mount rubber size. Rear mounts at bell housing need to move back 5 1/2" , hope this helps others, I had some time in figuring out the mounting, but the bonus I discovered was,on a superliner all you have to do is move the rear mount back one set of holes so that rear holes of mount are in front holes of forward cab mount ! Easy as pie when u know !
  14. Thanks for the kind words guys, but yes for the most part it has come out as I had imagined a year ago when i got it back home and started a plan ! Changed the paint color from what I had originally decided on, but you'll have that. I'll try and put a tape to the front engine mount today. Can tell you that rear mounts need moved back 5 or 6 inches and the stock cat mount in the front did'nt come back quite far enough to bolt up, had to notch engine cradle about the width of a bolt.But if you're gonna fab one you should be able to make that up in your mount. Have a good day !
  15. Hoping for it to be running this weekend and start putting the bed on.
  16. Thanks terry, it's been alot of work, could'nt have gotten it done in these few months with out my drivers help ! put the internal mufflers in the 7" straight pipes, hopefully I'll be able to hear the phone !
  17. Used two 18" x 32' rolls of dyna mat, never thought it would take that much. Did inside and outside of doors. Have'nt driven it yet, but can tell a difference just opening and closing the doors.
  18. Been alot of modifications getting the air cleaners and cat engine to work, but we're almost there ! The one pic is the AC side of a APU I am using for my condenser .
  19. Been busy getting this thing together, just hav'nt had much time to post pics, but here you go !
  20. Still have this stuff if some one is interested, I'd take $500 for trans and $1,500 on rears, $100 for exhaust, complete with s.s. muffler.
  21. I'll buy the '92 and solve your problems. lol
  22. Just did'nt want the over spray on my new ones! It will be hub pilot alum. as well, with 425's. Thanks everyone for the kind words !
  23. More than happy with how it came out.
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