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Everything posted by superdog405

  1. Can anyone out there help me with rear engine/trans mount position between a RW713 and a RW753 ? I'm wanting to replace my e-6 300 with a 3406B and wondering if I need to move these mounts back or if they will work as they are. Even if someone could get me a measurement from spring hanger to engine mount of a RW753. Thanks for any help.
  2. You can also have a spring shop (or do it yourself) put two or three short plates under your spring pack and run the center bolt through them and your spring pack. This will give you some lift safely ,with out affecting ride . I did this to the 20k front springs and added one leaf to 3 of my ex hood western stars to clear 425 front tires .
  3. Great job Jake, that baby looks great !! Was hoping when you had time ,if you could get me a measurement from one of the rear engine/trans mounts to back spring hanger or battery box mounting bolt. Mine uses a batt, box mounting bolt. Just want to see if they will need to be moved to put a Cat in my 713 to replace an e-6 300. Picked up a '87 in rust free MT, Plan on a complete redo next winter. Thanks
  4. Sometimes you can take coolant sensor out of top rad tank, clean it and put it back in. They get gunked up and send a low coolant alarm.
  5. Thanks for reply, I sent you a PM
  6. Looks good, but is it single frame ? Also I would say 7-15 like gearhead.
  7. I run 6 dumps in PA and are 54" axle spacing. I may b interested in your superliner depending on wb. Can't wait to c some pics!
  8. Hello rigchaser ! I'm from slippery rock and in Kittanning a lot, they turned it into a tractor few years ago and just use it for mostly farm work now I believe, dont see it out as much. One of there drivers told me the old man would probably be buried in it. I would do a google search for a phone number.
  9. Looking for a longer wheelbase 713, heavy axles and good double frame. Do not care if it has engine and trans., or if the rears are missing. Just a good start for a project. Im in north west Pa. Thanks ,Rich
  10. Raydan and Hendrickson both make a kit for air ride that sits on top of your walking beam. Should be able to find it at Hendricksons web site. I looked into replacing my old rubber block a few years back, new was pricey.
  11. Good place to check is up next to rad. on driver side. Your wiring runs out to hood there, should be a couple of factory plugs there. Wires rub on frame in this area, havent had an RD in a few but both my CL's have had issue in that area.
  12. Some great looking superdogs !
  13. Had this same problem with one of my 454's a couple months ago. Changed comp. because it was old anyway,but turned out being a cracked head. Mack reman head around $1200 for an E-7.
  14. Welcome aboard ! Superliners are a big hit with a lot of us on here. Love your trucks, hope all goes well with this new one !
  15. I like it,even with the old rubber block ! You change your mind and want to sell, let me know!
  16. I tried drilling holes in tank and using a slide hammer in the past, pulled it out some , but not the whole way. All I got was a tank with a smaller dent and holes in it. LOL !
  17. I wish I knew how some of you get a couple of years out of these pads. We must be off road to much , because i have had every thing replaced at one time, and still need to replace torn pads in six to eight months . Only camelback I have left is with 52k rears and no transverse torque arm, we put the urethane pads in the bottom about 4 months ago . I hope like hell they last longer !
  18. Just my 2 cents, but have had alot of diff. susp. in my tri-axle dumps over the years. Camelback is a good susp. , but high maint., changing elephant pads a couple times a year is a pain and costly. Now I am down to one CL with camelback and one with hendrickson.The on with hendrickson gives me less issues. All 3 of my new trucks (2014) I ordered with hendrickson HN susp., close to being the same as haulmax , but most coal trucks around here running it with less trouble then the haulmax. It is walking beam susp. that rides and handles better than spring and has no maint. due to the fact of it being rubber blocks with no center bushing. Also no springs or air bags to break.
  19. If it helps, I had a RW753. They all had 3406 Cats. The RW733 models had cummins power. Happy New Year !
  20. I like it ! How much frame behind cab ? Double frame ?
  21. Hello out there! , does anyone know what a tri-axle dump truck can gross in Texas ? 73,280 here in PA, have herd they are big on inner bridge laws down there. Thinking of doing some work down in Texas and wondered if it would be worth the trip. thanks !
  22. Can any one tell me if a '07 ami engine runs any better than a ealier model. How about miliage? Thinking about a '07 granite with a 400 in it to replace my c-13 powered international (only non mack in fleet) But dont want to end up worse off. Have seen and herd about the earlier models lacking power comparied to the e-7s , seemed like they fell on their face on a good pull. Just wondered if the later ones were better. Thanks
  23. Just as an update , wanted to let everyone know it turned out to be a bad bosch fuel ecm. Runs fine now , has'nt shut off since. Rich
  24. Has anyone installed one of the r or rw drop visors that are for sale on ebay? Just wondered what they look like on a truck, pics on ebay listing only show them on a roof that was cut off of a cab. If anyone could post some pics of one on a truck it would be great for the rest of us, thanks. Sorry, I should have given a better discription. I was talking about the 13 inch stainless drop visors.
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