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Everything posted by ajt3138

  1. literally. aj
  2. 'whats er name' better start slowin down on the trips now so she dont have too much withdrawal and we end up payin for her therapy...............aj
  3. thats the same thing i said to myself when i saw those pics. aj
  4. if you have any luck, buy two. and i will buy one from you. aj
  5. or like rowdy rebel--------a popsicle stick and some duct tape. aj
  6. ajt3138


    what a great site. and this discussion is one of the ways that keeps this site interesting enougfh that i log in almost every day. ther is always a great joke and moren than enough mack info to keep the attention of any normal person.aj
  7. you can take any ethanol product and shove it up their colon. good intentions, but we will all be screwed in the end. aj
  8. i always wanted to muck around on my birthday but never could unless it hit on a sunday...................aj
  9. heres one to start. my 1961 B-61T.aj
  10. hey............i'm from ohio. c'mon november.
  11. thats a neat pic of your truck on a drag strip. that photo makes it look fast.......
  12. do you ever forget to take your stack covers off? or do you just pick them up in the yard after you start it? aj
  13. it is all welded metal. with a stick welder. a lot of grinding, he said. he used stainless on the model where chrome was on the truck. i managed to tear my ACL this winter and have been on the low activity list until that heals together. my son-in-law asks me all the time about mucungie. i wont be able to make the trip this year. we are getting fairly busy at work and i will be trying to make up lost time this summer. the only way i could make it this year would be a quick trip down over a weekend. aj i
  14. i was born at 5:52 am. i have been getting up at the same time ever since. lol.here is a pic of the family. plus my sister and niece that came over to help us eat birthday cake.
  15. it was really good. even turning fifty. all four kids and spouses and two grandkids. had a nice meal. then we devoured a coldstone birthday cake ice cream cake. it was a great night. today the weather was perfect and i cruised around the countryside in the b model enjoying the day. aj
  16. he just loves the b model. he is a frequent parade attendee with me in the summer time. this is his first attempt at garage art. i was impressed. its a pretty cool present. aj
  17. that would be plenty close if you had luck like mine and had to inspect the 'wrong butt'.aj
  18. FEELINGS--------------no man should have them anyways.aj
  19. is that normal in some parts of the country to have a semi tanker setup?. all i have ever seen is frame mounted tankers.seems like staging would be an issue with the semi tractor.aj
  20. happy birthday tom. hope the rest of the year isn't as 'mixed' up as ur birthday. aj
  21. i should have definately went with you, i went to colorado to snowmobile, got the flu, twisted my knee, and i have surgery for a torn acl on tuesday. some of my vacations are more like a battle. you would think i would learn.........................aj
  22. n hey mark, i was just at a pheasants forever bamquet and acquired the new ruger 'single ten'. its a single action 10 shot revolver.(22 cal is all) would have enough loaded to get us started. aj
  23. if you think it looks small now, wait until you get in that bottle............
  24. thats looks to be a tough one when everyone always turned to you for that.
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