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  1. I drove one just like that in 1997 for a guy here in CT I think it was an old ST Germain truck 350 mack 15 spd direct 48 inch sleeper neway airride I loved that truck that old girl would run 80MPH all day long . love to find one and redo it and run it . new trucks are junks. good luck with that old dog . you don't need it though only way to kill that thing is chain it to atree and starve it to death...lol long live them old dogs
  2. Well thanks for all the info . Like my daddy says if i had a set of handles in a truck today i could leave the doors unlocked hardly anybody around who knows how drive a set of leevers today. lol it is a lost art today.
  3. hey , looking to do a b model to possibly run everyday, i know crazy right? have not found the right truck yet, still looking. anyway i would look to put a 300+ in it , could i put a triplex behind it . would it hold up? if so how low could i lug it down? hope someone could answer this , what's the point of having a b if it does not have two sticks.might as well get some modern sloped nose plastic junk and be like everyone else. lol
  4. you gotta save those dogs!! i dont have a b yet!! but when ido i'm gonna need some parts for sure.
  5. nice R do you still run it? if so where?
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