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Everything posted by sixfourkid

  1. Name: Mack Granite (2007) Date Added: 16 April 2009 - 04:26 PM Owner: sixfourkid Short Description: Mack Granite, Tan interior. Never been used. Still waiting on a box. double fram rail. 425floats up fornt. Putting in flip out tv outta the dash. View Vehicle
  2. i prefer a D6k. Ran a brand new one last week man those things are sweet. I just cant justafie buying one for 200k, when works slow and you probly be able to buy one a year from know with a 1000hrs for less then half
  3. Yeah, i remeber, you hauled some gravel for me too for pj. Weve been working kinda slow but its picking back up. We did alot of work for jimmy, and i worked for him running the 345 last summer. I see your trucks in his yard all the time. You working.
  4. I love that Wagon. My dad just bought a 64 fairlane roller, its a K code car. He wants to turn it into a thunderbot. Love that wagon thow. Thanks for the kind comments.
  5. Here is a pic of the new
  6. No its a pre 2007, with out any of that emisions crap on it. How would i turn it to 405? Thanks, for the input
  7. Its the Mp7, Tandem axel, the heaviest i ever pull is 65,000. I would just like to bump it alittle if it is possible with out to much of a hassel. I
  8. You guys are into drag cars to huh. Heres my race truck . We do mostly high dollar bracket races with it. Were changing it over to a twin turbo setup for next year gonna run top sportsman.The truck is mine, 2003 Bickle built prostock truck, big block 522 natural ap. Runs 7.70s consistant as hell. The car is my dads that we actually just sold, its a 1988 mayfield car. 427 used to run super comp with it. Hope you guys enjoy.
  9. Hey guys, I got this new mack granite, we havent even used yet. Me being the idiot i am. I wanna squeeze more power outta this thing. So my question is, the truck has the maxitourqe 370 excusses me for my ignorance on the model number of the moter.. Is there anyway to turn these trucks from 370 to 450 or is it gonna be to much money and not even worth it for the little bit extra. And would it be dependable.
  10. Here is my 1988 A model 953. We repainted it like a c model abot 7 or 8 years ago and me made it a 953G, haha. Its about time for another paint job, owned it since new. Bawlderson bucket. 5500hrs just put new idlers and a head on it. Great machine. Probly never get rid of it.
  11. Hey guys, Im a new kid on here. 22 Years old, Own Grantham Trucking and Excavating In Wauconda IL. Ive been lucky enough to have a successful buisness given to me at very young age. My father retired last year so im just a young gun trying to make it in this tough economy. I just bought my first new mack its a 2007 Granite only 127 miles on her. Still waiting to put a dump box on it. I also have 1990 CH with a set back axle as my lowboy truck. All the other Trucks we own are Fords. Im hoping to find some usfull information and meet some New people. Ill post some pics up with in the next day or so. Thanks Brett
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