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Everything posted by Fastduramax

  1. Looks like Donny deleted his posts....
  2. Thanks Donny but that is a confusing reply.... I have a Mack rear mount PTO on my 12 speed, the only question Floater and I have is there a C102 configuration that will mount to the Mack PTO so we can eliminate the C101....
  3. Well Paul it's a long list so I'll start out vane, she's sooooo much prettier ! Easier to keep clean, your duals always run dead nuts true with no fuss tightening down lug nuts and wedges properly, lightened up my tare weight by nearly 1,000 pounds, doing a shoe slap takes half the time and if you have to do your wheel seal it's a one man job, when I was about 25 I could lift off a spoke hub and put it back on myself but not anymore lol, you never have to worry about spinning a wheel and wiping out a valve stem... Oh and did I mention the COOL factor lol !
  4. Best luck with Voyager by far, clean the contact point on the spindle shiny nice with your Dremal and polishing wheel an NO SILICON... Inspect the bottom side of your spindle for wear you will feel a grove where the bearing wore in from being loose or seized, I replaced 3 seals before I discovered this in one of my 44 rears, had a new spindle pressed on to the tune of nearly $2k... I preload the shit out of my bearings now and never another problem !
  5. Well 3 years in and I must say hub pilot conversion is the best thing I've ever done to the old girl bar none... 2 things to say, first the truck should have been ordered hub pilot, second I should have converted it 20 years ago when I bought the old girl... Now I just need someone's recipe on building a 600HP E7 !
  6. Floater is correct, any driveshaft and universal joints suck especially if not necessary... Gallion installed the original dump body on my truck and mounted the pump at to much of an angle, 2 years out of a set of universals and it vibrates like hell, so choices are refabrication or a "piggy back" pump, best choice is the latter IMO....
  7. Anyone know if a direct drive C102 hydraulic pump will bolt up to a 12 speed Mack rear mount PTO or know of one that will ? These drive shaft driven units suck ass !
  8. I’m looking for the 2 front lighting harnesses that plug in at the firewall and run to the 6 terminal buss strips mounted the the sides of the hood and feed the front lights… Looking for NOS or pristine condition, dam wires break right where your hood pivots and I’m sick of splicing in sections !
  9. 1988 RD688S 44K Mack Rears are HR735K Hub Pilot Hubs Gunite# if this helps, just did this conversion....
  10. WTB A new or perfect gray RD headliner, I bought a new overhead console for stupid money from Mack but not sure if headliners are available I haven't inquired but highly doubt it! F@#$ing MICE got up there this winter and I cant get the foul smell out UGH !!! Thanks guys....
  11. Thanks John, Im guessing your pump is a Robert Bosch ? Mine is an AMBAC I don't think the ground plate mod applies to Ambac ?
  12. FINALLY!!! Hey John where did you purchase yours, I searched that part # on ebay tons of HX50's but no 3580251 ?
  13. Good luck pal, upgrading the turbo on the E6 350 is a question I've seen asked many times on this site, it is highly classified information but if you do get a manufacturer and part# please share and protect your wife and children 🙄
  14. Hey John could you elaborate a bit more on the Turbo mod please ? Direct bolt on ? Whats a ground fuel plate ?
  15. LTK, what in creation possessed you to convert to spoke hubs ! There is nothing good on earth about spoke hubs except possibly nostalgia... The genius engineer that invented the spoke hub should have he or she's nut sack removed with a butter knife because that's about how it feels when you're done doing a brake job on spoke hubs !
  16. Not a thing, I used the same bearing part number as were in the spoke hubs just used new Timken that’s it
  17. Hard to see the spacer but its there
  18. Not letting me post pics for some reason
  19. I finally started my hub pilot conversion, kind of had to as you will see in the pics lol... Anyway a few questions for anyone who has done it as I cant seem to get a concrete answer around here... My spoke hubs had the bearing spacers or washers that slide over the spindle and rest between the spindle shoulder and inner bearing, I was told both to use the spacer and not to use it UGH ! Here are my concerns, check out the pic there is clearly a huge difference in the offset of the bogeys, but will obviously equal out when I'm done, second, I wasn't overly thrilled with the short distance my Voyager seal slid onto the spindle shoulder but that said I've run the piss out of her for 2 days now and no leaking seal... Anyone who's been here please chime in ! I'll post the pics....
  20. JOJO !!! Kmon my friend is any amount of HP ever really "enough" !!! Kinda like "to much HP" That phrase is totally off the charts !
  21. Upon much research I have come down to these 2 hub numbers, HR605K obsolete new (non ABS) And the new number HR819K can someone confirm if these are the correct hubs for my truck... 88 RD 688S 18 front, maybe 20 I never figured out how to distinguish an 18 from a 20... Thanks !
  22. Thanks guys and thanks for the thumbs up Mackone... She's a good ole puppy she works daily in the summer and parked in the winter and gets well loved... Just dropped $4800 clams into the rear suspension jeeeesh !
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