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Frenchy Mack

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About Frenchy Mack

  • Birthday 04/30/1963


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    Warbirds and Mack
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  1. I want to wish you a Happy Birthday.. I hope it is a great day for you..  Jojo

    1. Frenchy Mack

      Frenchy Mack

      thank you very much, in French, merci beaucoup

  2. Merry Christmas to all of You, Joyeux Noël a tous, Cheers from France 🎅🎅🎅
  3. Hello everybody, in France, its 2.13 Euros for one Liter, and on this price, you have 86% of taxes.
  4. Sorry but that not French, perhaps Norway, Sweden or Danmark
  5. Hope he choose an good Bordeaux or an sweet Bourgogne
  6. The V6 diesel 2,7 and 3,0 is an collaboration between Peugeot and Ford
  7. Happy new year to all and in French: Bonne Année
  8. The worm is in the fruit and that is not good for the future of Mack trucks and Renault Trucks
  9. Merry Christmas to all and in French, Joyeux Noël à tous
  10. Merry Christmas to all of you and in French, Joyeux Noël à tous
  11. More pictures of French army VLTP Everest
  12. Very ugly trucks but very smooth to drive
  13. Yes the French army bought 1000 Ford Ranger pick up only for use in Europe. The Everest was for all the operation in the world, Mali, Irak and all the place where the French army was deployed. The engine, in the Everest accept all type of diesel fuel, bad or good
  14. French Army choose the Everest, but with some difference. Ford built the body in his factory in South Africa, and send it in France in ACMAT who reinforced the box, take the engine, an 150hp diesel Renault
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