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Frenchy Mack

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Everything posted by Frenchy Mack

  1. The first and second pictures present French Mack. The thuck beside the B is an Berliet, and the semi trailer was made by Coder, an french society in Marseille (dead now). The yellow R was built in France, in the Bernard Factory, in 1966, and sleep now in Auvergne, in the collection of an friend of mine. The pictures 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 present Spanish Mack,
  2. Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël, from France to all of you
  3. Yes the orange is an DM 685 SX
  4. All the M 26 Pacific are here, but if you want to buy one, prepare money, a lot of money
  5. Hello, The black F is sold to an gipsy to carry an fairground rides, and the yellow DM is sold to an collector for parts.
  6. Thank you very much, Mike and Mowerman. Mike, I'm very sorry but I can't read the Bendix website Mowerman I'm waiting you finish to dig
  7. Hello everybody, An friend of mine restore an 1972 DM 685 SX. He change his old cab, because she is too rusty, for an 1986 cab. The problem is this is not the same model and he don't know where taking the air hose. If somebody have an plan of the air system, he's welcome. In France it is very difficult to find repair manuals Thank you very much, and sorry for my bad english Frenchy Mack
  8. Not France, Belgium registration plate
  9. Happy birthday to you, Barry, in french, joyeux anniversaire
  10. Thank you very much, for all these response. Do you know how many horsepower haves these engines? for ever
  11. Hello everybody, Mack build some trucks with Scania engines, but What type? what year? and how many? Best regards Erwan for ever
  12. Hello Rob, these cars are not some Simca, but ........... Italian cars, FIAT
  13. Hello everybody, An friend of mine buy an French DM 685 SX built in 1972. Here is the pictures As you can see, the rust has made his bad work. So he decide to change the cab but in France it is very difficult to find one. But the miracle exist. more pictures later. greatings Erwan
  14. Hello Barry, Looks nice and more simply I think
  15. Hello Edward, bonjour Edward, Welcome in the best forum in the universe about Mack trucks, bienvenue sur le meilleur forum dans l'univers sur les camions Mack. Best regards Amitiés Erwan
  16. Hello everibody, An friend of mine want buying an French Mack R 685 SX (pictures coming soon). Where I can have some information with the year of build, 1972 and S/N: 8590. He want to know the type of engine, gearbox and axle. Thank you for your help Erwan For ever
  17. Hello everybody, Well, some explanations about this horrible french body. Its an Mack B 61 built in France by Bernard in 1963. The engine is an END 711 with the gearbox TR 72.250 Letourneur is the maker of the body. Not the good inspiration I think. Only one was built, but I have no more detail about it. Sorry about my english but I hope you have understand what I want to said. Erwan for ever
  18. I want those stickers, where I can buy some?
  19. And after the dog on the wall?
  20. I agree with you Mackdaddy for ever
  21. shame on the bloody viking, They don't respect our best friends, the BULLDOG
  22. Hello everybody, Some technical information about the french Mack The engine is an Mack END 711, 6 cylinder with 214 Hp The gearbox is an Mack TR 72.250 with 5 speed + pneumatic relay Best regards Erwan
  23. I agree with you Rob. Thadeus, no I don't drive this one because its an spanish truck but I have an friend who have an AE 560 and the music of the E9 is like Mozart for me, an V8 is, for me, the best noise in my ear and I'm waiting than he sold this truck to me, but in only two years
  24. Hello everybody, Here is some pictures of Mack B 61 built in France. You have an standard cab with the brown and sleeping cab with the red one. I have an question, in France all the b61 have 5 gear with pneumatic relay do you have the same gearbox in US?
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