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Frenchy Mack

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Everything posted by Frenchy Mack

  1. Hello
  2. Very nice truck, you are an lucky man Best regards from France
  3. Hello everybody, In France, Renault Trucks put the ee9 engine in the magnum with three power: 500hp, 520hp and 560hp with the french gearbox B18. You can see my avatar is an 520hp Best regards and sorry for my bad english Erwan
  4. Helo Mopar, You can see in the gallery some mack buid in France and some leaflet. You can see Mack have his own cabin for France and Europ. The problem is than Mack have not an good advertisement office and an bad coverage of garage. And at last the price is very high. I think that the reason than Mack quit France after they lost many money.
  5. Hello matt, I enjoy also warbirds and If you know we have in France an big collection in La Ferte Alais. I'm going in two sunday per month to restore planes. I want restore also an but they very difficult to find one and the price was very expensive to buy an wreck. So I dream with your nice pictures.
  6. Hello to all, You can find in my gallery somes pictures of Mack trucks built in France ( yes its possible ). Unfotunately Mack return in USA and we lost the most magnificent trucks in the world ... LOL...
  7. This is some old pictures when Mack built trucks in France during 1957 - 1968
  8. Hello to all of you, I see the pictures and I can confirm that's music, Olympia is the most famous music hall in France and only music. best regards
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