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    Mack fire apparatus

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  1. Enjoy your rig. The Mack C model fire engine is my favorite and I have several. Please keep us posted on your progress and post a few photos when possible. Take Care, Don
  2. Off the top of my head it’s 7 1/2 gallons including the lubrifiner oil filter housing.
  3. Better judgment is over rated. Enjoy the truck. Looking forward to more updates on your Mack. Take care, Don
  4. The no alcohol sign was the first thing that I saw this year. Probably because it was at the entrance. As usual I enjoyed myself visiting with friends. I absolutely agree about doing things now because you never know what the future holds. I was unable to spend as much time at the show due to a recent medical issue. The time I did spend there was awesome. Looking forward to going back next year in better health.
  5. I love hearing your stories about finding and getting trucks home. In my opinion that’s half the fun of the hobby. Take care, Don
  6. Yeah unfortunately the staffing levels are very low and the state doesn’t realize that taking away benefits is going to cause more of an issue for them. My department’s numbers are way lower then they should be. Sadly, like most departments finding recruits is difficult. Our last test only 500 applied, 300 showed up to take the test and 15 were just hired.
  7. Looks good, I always hated seeing the bottom of that plane while I was cruising down the road. It looks much nicer in the shop. 😂😂😂
  8. Hello Matt, I think we are almost as excited as you are to see it completed. You are doing an exceptional job with the restoration.
  9. This is my little guy at my garage visiting me. His name is Melvyn. He’s 5 and full of energy.
  10. The first photo is of the sticker that came off an electric fuel pump on a Mack CF. The second photo shows the electric fuel pump. Google Facet 574A and you should be able to find what your looking for. Good luck Don.
  11. 👍 Good job, it had been enjoyable watching this project from the beginning to the end. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  12. I love talking my Mack fire engines out for rides. It’s my opinion that the folks I’ve met in both the fire truck world and truck world are awesome people. I’ve helped and been helped by total strangers which has often developed into cherished relationships.
  13. Cool, I bet you’re excited for her to arrive. I’m familiar with Enniskillen. My wife’s uncle would go shooting at Crom Castle. One of my friends family is from Fivemiletown and I used to have a connection in a a a a Belleek. Oddly enough my friends cousin knew my wife’s uncle. It’s just shows how small the world is. Don
  14. Hello I think that’s a cool idea to import the truck. Where in Northern Ireland are you from. My mother in-law was from Dromore County Down. She was the only one in her family to come to the states so my wife and I go over to see her family. My interest is in fire apparatus and I always wanted to import a Green Goddess.
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