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Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by rickytruckingpr1

  1. wow!!!!! i like this truck for put a 5th wheel for move containers us perfect
  2. ok nazario ahi puedo conseguir de todo y a buen precio??
  3. thanks partner i plan put chorme inside and outside the truck, second horn, curiuous stickers for example my way or madrugas, the name of my first school is Bayamon Military Academy. In the future put a my future girlfriend name and 2 heart, in the up side front glass i plan put mack sticker. But this is my new project to work ricky
  4. claro que si nazario ya eso esta en agenda a ver si cojo par de ideas pa mi camion pa ponerlo super nickelao pa llevarlo pa los eventos como ese!!!!!
  5. hi this pictures of my truck one 1992 mack ch600 thanks hola aqui estan las fotos de mi camion es un Mack CH600 de 1992 espero que las disfruten gracias
  6. wow it's amazing coming soon the picture of my 1992 mack ch600 wow se ve lindo pronto las fotos de mi camion mi mack ch600 de 1992
  7. Hi i'm new in this forum i'm from puerto rico a like the mack truck i have one i don't no the year but the model is r600 chassis for transport animal feeds in my country
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