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About silverstar

  • Birthday July 30


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  1. Thank you, thank you. I have been shot down by dozens of dealer. I'll give them a shot.
  2. hello, picked up a 76 transtar 4200, need a little help. someone pulled the front brakes off and i have no idea what axle i have, the drums and backing plates are still there, this truck has speedo in front axle backing plate. im looking for shoes,s cams, s cam tubs etc. I dont know if IH has a archive, historical or vintage division. Most dealers i have called as soon as you say "76 transtar" they loose interest. So if any one knows of a good dealer it would be great. The specs are, date 4-30-76-1, F4270, serial D2157FGA15301, 228 wb. I live near akron ohio so anyone with local parts or info would be great. Talked to one fella on redpower and he seemed to think the axle was a FA-329 dont really know what that get me. Also looking for a dashlight dimmer dial. any and all help would be greatly appreciated. will try to post pics. thanks again
  3. Ok. looked at the map your right on about 6 hr. it is very realistic to get . if you would mind email me i would like to talk on phone if possible. Just to let you know i am not an exporter i actually hate seeing good AMERICAN iron go over seas. thanks again for your time. Jared
  4. can you email me at ohjphillip@gmail.com or pm me. i dont know how to pm someone so emailing me would be fine. i am going to look up your location. i thank you for your time. thanks again Jared
  5. havent been on in a while but do you still have, how far are you from youngstown ohio. thanks
  6. Does any one have, want to sell, know where to get a sun visor and bug sheild for a 68 dm 600. dont know much about them, how to mount, etc.. Our R model has both and i really like the look. I am going to paint our dm this winter so i thought i would see if anyone had one, doesnt need to be pretty since im painting. thanks everyone.
  7. has anyone on this site ever did a inframe on an international td 15 with a dt361. i need to know how to get the sleeves out? The sleeves are a dry sleeve and considered a heavy press fit. i have no idea how to get them out or back in. I have a manual puller on them now with a hydrulic jack underneath and have barly moved it. I have posted all my question on red power forum in the engine and construction forums. I have gotten some good advice but no good answer to how to actualy acheive my goal. if someone has done this inframe before and can offer some advice i would love it. Also i live in north east ohio area, i would be willing pay an expert if anyone knows someone. the reason i am posting here is i was told macks had dry sleeves to. thanks
  8. here is the new scoop, finally got the 68 dm 600 back on the road, the 237 runs awsome in the old girl. lot more power than the old 673 natural that was in there. the jake on it is sweet. Now for the 15, finally got it in the shop. All looks pretty good, took me a whole day to pressure wash it down, it was DIRTY. the few problems that i have to address first are a good fuel leak coming from around the secondary filter. i pulled it tonight and it seems to be a bad line but there is a braze on the can, may be that. the next issue is a good hydrulic leak. the leak is coming out of the top of the trans where the shuttle lever goes in. i know it is a terrible discription. i'm still trying to round up manuals so i can determine if its a seal or an o ring, hope its not too big of deal. the last bigger problem is the left steering clutch seems to be sticking or not engaging, not sure if its ajustment, seized or worn out. the manual will be a big help. Work has picked up and i spent most of my money on the mack so i guess i got to get back to work. right now septics and drive ways are big. still have some service to do on equipment to. so thats the scoop. Hope all is going good your way, give me a update. still need to give you a call. thanks jared
  9. I removed a end673e motor (natural asperated) from my '68 dm 600. I had planned on sitting it on the shelf and saving it for something (dont know what). It ran good, no blow by, had a couple oil leaks. A local neigbor asked if i wanted to sell it. I dont have any idea on a value. Any input would be great. Thanks
  10. havent checked forum in a few days, so i'll give you a call here soon. The deer in the back is a 4020 gas. thanks
  11. i need to chime in here. I am in the process of converting from the lead seal to the rubber seal. The problem is that the new housing mack gives you, requires you to cut the slinger off. The housing WILL NOT go on with out cutting it off. My question is how do i cut this off without getting crap in the pan. I thought the slinger was pressed on and here it is part of the crank. My local Mack dealer failed to mention that i had to do all the cutting. Any suggestions??? I am ready to return the parts and just get the lead seal. Help.
  12. Now we are getting in pretty good shape. I cant do any more on it until i get into the main shop but i have a good amount of info piled. The seals are in for the mack so have to get back on that.
  13. dont know if you got a good answer, or found your info yet but i am currently dealing with the same situation. My local mack dealer, R&R mack in ohio could get the lead for around 7 bucks, i chose to convert it to the new style rubber seal. The deal price for conversion ( buying new housing and seal) was around 200 buck. If you need more infor let me know. good luck
  14. I am in need of a sevice and parts manual for a td15b, any body got one??
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