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About motortrans

  • Birthday 11/09/1976


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    Oakville, CT

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    most things related to trucks or truckng

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  1. That truck is beautiful!!!!! I considered calling on it. Then reality set in. That $2600 toy could turn into a $10,000 nightmare real quick driving back to the eastcoast. You would be "different" rolling that around.
  2. sounds like a pre 2004 is the best!!
  3. what kind of 460 are you talking about? A VMAC, ETECH or an ASET?
  4. Could be as simple as the fuel caps arn't venting like they should. When it is sluggish, take the caps off and see if there is a difference. Good Luck!!!
  5. The accelerator pedal might need to be replaced. Had similar problem with my E Tech. New throttle pedal corrected it. Good luck!
  6. Thank you. I really appreciate your responce!
  7. Thanks for the advice. The next time the seal blows and I take it apart, I will replace the hardware as you suggested!! I see your user name and am currious, when were you in the Corps???
  8. maybe someone out there can shed some light on this issue!? I have a 99 CH 613, I have been blowing wheel seals on my steer axle. I even use Stemco seals with the built in wear sleeve. When I take the hub cap off and go to remove the nut to the bearing, I find that the nut is loose. I dont know if the problem is with the spindle or not. A guy told me to replace the nut and washers this may correct the problem. Can the problem be that easy or should I just look into spindle replacement/repair??
  9. Cool story! Good luck with it!!
  10. I guess there is a sucker born every minute
  11. I had this problem. In my case, it was the accelerator pedal. Replaced it and problem went away
  12. After looking at the specs you supplied for this truck, I can tell you that the truck in the picture is not a CHN model nor is it a rawhide. Be sure everything is on the up and up! Good luck!!!
  13. Are you sure that the oil/coolant isnt from your oil cooler starting to fail??
  14. I am trying to sell my 1985 R688ST. I am not very computer savy so I didn't figure out how to post a picture yet. My truck has a Mack 350 4-valve that Trans Edge Truck center in Allentown, Pa built for that specific truck. The motor was dropped in Jan of 07. It has 49k miles on it. The motor came complete with starter, altenator and air compressor. When they changed the motor, I had them do a clutch and imput shaft to the tranney which is a Fuller 15 speed. The truck is on Neway air ride. I rebushed the rear-rear and replaced all the rear brakes and drums all in Jan 07 too. I did some custom interior work as well. The truck has aluminum front wheels ans steel bud rear. The rear ends are Eaton rears. Not sure of ratio (3:90??) The Truck will run 72moh at 1900 rpm. The truck also has a 36" single cut out sleeper made by Mik-Mak in Ontario, Canada. The truck itself is also Canadian and has a double frame. This truck is a go anywhere truck. I live in CT and have gone through out the mid west and even to AZ with this truck in the past 49k miles!! This truck also has brand new virgin rubber on the back. (Kelly model KDM) I was told that this truck originally belonged to Challenger Motor Freight in Canada. I am the 3rd owner and know the history of this truck since the mid 90's. I love this truck and wish I didn't have to sell it. The Company that I rely on to make a living in the winter months told me I must upgrade to stay with them through spring time and come back next winter. So, I bought a 99 CH 427 / 13 Sp with a mid rise sleeper. I really like the comfort and quietness of the newer truck but nothin beats the feeling of passing a "new" truck with the old "R" Straight pipe barkin For more info or to have a picture sent via regular mail, call Ed at 203 437 0405. I appoligize I don't use the computer often. I am asking $20,000 or any reasonable offer will be considered!!!!
  15. Dan I tried to get a hold of an interior kit for my R model. I was told that the "new" R models dont use a "Kit". The dealer parts guy at the dealer I use was real helpful and searched the "network" to see if any dealers still had these interior "kits" in their inventory. He found a Canadian dealer still had 1 !! The kit was blue / grey in color so I didn't buy it. Some upholstery dye or paint would probably do the trick. You can e mail me at www.motortransct@msn.com or call me at 203 437 0405. I'll gladly give you the guys name and number. Maybe he could help. He is excelent at locating odd parts. Ed
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