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Vladislav last won the day on June 17 2024

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About Vladislav

  • Birthday 04/08/1975


  • Location
    Moscow, Russia

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Community Answers

  1. Welcome to the forum! If I remember right there were a few threads posted in the past regarding Mack buses on here. So working with the site search tool may bring some results. There wouldn't be an answer for the exact year. But possibly info which leads to a certan time frame. And yes, we all like to see pictures of old Macks! Vlad
  2. I'm glad to be of service, Jojo. Indeed, my position allows me to see and show things from different angles. So I do that when I can. At the same time I'm not in a centre of the Mack land. And see much less overall from where I'm sitting. But BMT is the perfect window to look through so I'm also thankful to folks who post on here.
  3. Intersting. Please post more if you put your hands on a Magnum some day. I like the look of those high towers with air suspended cab. Here we have many cruising the roads. Renault branded and usualy with variations of E7 - ASET or E-tech. Some older ones had inline-6 Renault engine and a few are still around with E9-520 mechanical or E9-560 V-mac (or so) with hydraulically controlled injection advance. But fewer and fewer every year, due to the costs of spares for a E9. From time to time a desire pops up in my mind to buy one of those but with amounts of iron I already have I stop myself from that. But those trucks are all Renault chassis and a single drive axle in 99% cases. Only once a V8-500 tractor was for sale with tandem drives but way more expensive than I would give for a hobby truck. And once I saw a similar one parked in the street. Even not sure if that was the same rig. Also dark blue in color.
  4. My vote is the third from the top raw left and right images. If anybody is interested in it The original work paint scheme may worth reproducing if has any santimental walue to you. Or may be bringing memories to others and you like to please those folks. There may be a variation of that approach as I finally decided to do with my R-model. I kept original appearance in general (the color and colors of stripes) but modified it and made more complicate. And switched to metallic. That was made after I learned many people knew the truck in its older days but that look appeared too simple and uninteresting to me.
  5. BTW a question. Don't you know any Aussie Magnums (Renault Magnums) were assembled on CH chassis too? Or Renault rails only?
  6. Cool job and interesting truck on my mind. Sorry no help with ABS connections from my side.
  7. BTW the horns assembly is very similar to what was used on B-models fitted onto roof. The difference is the attachment bracket. B-model has it at a side if relate to those on the picture. So the horns are left and right when on a roof.
  8. Hi Harry, Those are original to the truck. And the electric air valve seems too. The horns are Bendix-Westinghouse. And the truck was made in 1944 (or 1943 - shame on me but I'm always forgetting the exact date).
  9. BTW scrapping it you're getting about 150 kg aluminium
  10. The most probably the synchro clutch got worn out. It gets bad together with Hi mating gear. In this case you can't go in Hi but can in Low. Other common issue is worn sliding clutches which shift gears in the main box. Their teeth are square at the ends when they're new and get round when worn. You're difficult to catch the moment to shift with that. The condition of sliding clutches can be observed if you remove the main box top cover which is very easy deal. The synchro issue in the compound box needs taking apart to investigate if the memory serves well.
  11. The shape is very close to heavier early F-model fenders indeed. Difficult to judge by the photos but if so they (and the truck) would be even more interesting. BTW the tyres look quite big. Are they 20 inch rims or larger?
  12. Your welcome! And I finally found the pic. It's my truck. The engine is EY707. It's gasser but not a firetruck so only one distributer. But the block casting is similar to what your baby has. The arrow is where to look at.
  13. Ok, +4C = 39F in Moscow in the recent days. Quite relaxing for January Nice Macks, look like toy trucks observing from the distance.
  14. Hmm... What are those fenders? Just noticed. They don't look like E-model fenders which seemed used on FP's. Actually there are not many sources to check out the correct look. There are a few (one or two?) factory photo's in F-series Mack archive book. And those represent typical E-model fenders. The same style as on Gary Mahan's truck. Looking the chassis number you posted 1010D it's 10th truck made. So possibly special fenders were used. Or just aftermarket convertion (but of quite good quality).
  15. The engine number is stamped to the front from where your two distributers are fitted. There's a cast portion of the block which has a drilling for the injection pump drive shaft when the engine is diesel. The number is stamped into the top surface of its casting. Sorry for late response.
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