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Allison last won the day on June 17 2010

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About Allison

  • Birthday 07/06/1978


  • Location
    Harrisburg, Pa

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  1. Name: Mack B85-F (1957) Date Added: 21 June 2009 - 04:48 PM Owner: Allison Short Description: This B-model is an original Harrisburg ladder truck. After recently bringing the truck back home. I got the one and only Dale Snyder of Allentown to Gold Leaf the HFD 12 and the name Allison back on the hood. Dale worked for Mack from 1966 to 1984 gold leafing all fire trucks that came out of Allentown. View Vehicle
  2. Guys I’m trying to drop the drive shaft on my B 95 Fire engine. I’m having some trouble because I’m used to u joints and this truck has circular flange joints instead of u bolt joints. I took the bolts out and the caps are one SOB to get off. Needless to say i got one off so far and the bearing cap is still inside. Question: how do I get the bearings out without totally messing them up, and secondly the cap that bolted on over the bearings seemed to snap a piece in the middle almost like that cap was attached to the bearing cap?? Not sure but when I removed the bolted cap it snapped off from the bearing cap. Can anyone give me some direction?? Thanks Allison
  3. It's a B-85. I'll plan for 14000 lbs! Thanks guys
  4. Does anyone have a good idea how much a late 50's standard B-model fire engine would weight? Trying to figure out how big of a tow truck I'm going to need! Thanks for the help!!
  5. JDC, I just redid all of my hydraulic brakes on my 57 B model and i used White Post Restorations (540-837-1140)in VA. They do an excellent job on wheel cylinders and i ordered all new steel brake lines, and flexible brake hoses from Brake Materials & Parts Inc.(260-426-3331) in Fort Wayne In. They work with White Post and i had all my new parts super quick.. As far as brake parts those guys will get you what you need.
  6. WoW …….im totally jealous !!!! I don’t even want to talk about the things I had to go through to get my Mack!!! WoW… C95 is an awesome truck… Since we are talking about 707’s I do have a question to add... I have a 707 B engine and I was looking over the differences between the B and C engines. Since modern grades of gasoline are much higher than what they used to, is there any concern for timing and cam angles and point gaps. 707B calls for Ignition timing # 1 cylinder BTDC: 78 – 80 octane, 11 degree, 3 2/3 teeth 83 – 85 octane, 13 degree, 4 1/3 teeth on the fly wheel gear. Distributor: Cam angle degrees……..35 Point gap .018 to .024 707C calls for Ignition timing # 1 cylinder 86-96 Octane, 8 degrees, 2 2/3 teeth on the fly wheel (use only premium fuel) Distributor: Cam angle, degrees…………38 to 45 Point gap .016
  7. wheel cylinders are fixed. all new steel brake lines and one of the damn cylinders is leaking... WTF!!!

  8. Maddog make it $ 200.00 and its a deal!!!
  9. Lmack, Another good idea i didnt even think of..... ill check for water and follow both of your's advice. Thanks for all the help guys!!!
  10. Kenny, Thanks for the reply.. I have heard of steering columns that run inside of another column which got my gears spinning since this is something i thought i had.. The whole reason i started looking up was because the oil wells up and out of the top plug like there is a good amount of oil somehow above that point. I mean is comes up and out like its got something pushing it. I thought about what you advised but i just wanted to see if i was missing something.. Is there any way to lubricate the steering shaft?? The outer chrome column piece doesn’t move at all so there must be a inner shaft that the wheel actually turns?? Allison
  11. Ok guys im trying to oil my steering box for the trailer of my 57 tiller truck. Under the tillers seat is a gear box that the steering collumn runs down to. This box has a fill plug in the top and the bottom.. I took out the top plug and oil welled up out!!?? hhhhmm ok ... i figured i would open the top plug and simply add some gear oil.. obviously there is oil above this plug to make it well up and out so im trying to figure out where to add oil. I went up to the steering wheel and took off the center cap and found a large nut holding the wheel on. In the middle of this nut is about a 1" opening that seems to run the length of the steering shaft down to that gear box.. IS this where you add oil.... down this hole in the center of the steering wheel??? It does seem to be a shaft inside of a shaft. The outer Chrome shaft is stationary. ?? Thanks in advance!! Allison
  12. Here is a photo of my 1957 B-85.
  13. Albert, Thanks for the input.. i was just looking to get everything off to completely restore. I will simply work around the backplate. Thanks for the help. Allison
  14. Hey guys... im finally trying to get my wheel cylinders off to get rebuilt and i ran into what i think is rivets. These are off of my trailer. I got down to the back plate and i cant figure out how to get the back plate off of the swing arms.There are these 4 "rivets" on each side of the spindel that seem to hold the back plate on??? 1st. Are these Rivets?? 2nd Can i cut them, drill them, to get the back plate and brake assembly off of the truck and replace with bolts after repaired??
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