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Everything posted by fire4t3

  1. Is it possible to replace a rotted floor and supports with the cab still on the frame?
  2. And 3 nice wreckers just down the road.
  3. Seen these yesterday on route 1 in Rahway N.J.
  4. After you cut and patch the area, can you reach up on the inside to clean and prime or put rust inhibitor on the backside so it doesn't rust anymore?
  5. A few b models I have looked at all have rust on the front pillars down below the windshield. And right above where the air cleaner is plumbed in. Is it repairable?
  6. A nice little line-up that I seen today.
  7. Here's a few oldies from a company my dad used to work for in the 70's, Corbett Rigging & Hauling when the were in Newark, NJ, now they are in Somerset,NJ.
  8. If you read the dmv manual front to back the conputer test is easy, the hardest part of the road test is rembering everything for the pretrip inspection its pretty much the same for a or b. If your getting an a you can use a tag along with air brakes like a backhoe trailer and just practice the alley docking
  9. In n.j. if the truck is over 26001 or has air brakes you need at least a class b. I got my class b back in the 90's. Read the dmv book, took the computer test for permit, then rented a straight job box and brought a friend who had a cdl with me to the road test. I have since got my class a that my employer paid for me to get.
  10. Thank you guys for the responses. I have been toying with the idea of getting a mack b for about the last 4 years. I'm usually the most pumped after the macungie show. I don't have a barn or shop to be able work on a truck indoors yet but hoping to have one up by end of this summer, so this may be the year I actually pull the trigger and get a "B".
  11. Brocky, were you at the Macungie show, if so I think Myself and my wife were talking to you in the parking area when you were walking back to your diamond t pick-up. You mentioned that ur daughter lived in PA and you were from SC. Small world, we had the 3 kids, we were in front of my f350 and my wife offered u a cold beverage, it was hot that day.
  12. I know this question has been asked before but looking through the forums it doesn't look like anybody ever got an actual weight. Anybody have a actual weight of a b61 single axle tractor or chasis? The reason I ask is, I have been itching to get a b-61 project truck. I have a 12k deckover dovetail bumperpull trailer that I pull with a f350 and I'm wondering if it would be good enough to carry a b61 single axle tractor,or maybe just a cab-chasis without 5th wheel. Anybody use a simular setup?
  13. Thanks paul for looking that up. I just drove by again, the building next door is an old bank(now a church) and its 1301, the rest of the city block is now labeled 1355 and is pretty big. I work for the electric company here and i was inside the building 2 winters ago for a no power. That was before i realized it was the old mack plant. I toured the macungie plant during the antique show in june. That and all the nameplates on the b models with plainfield,nj on them got me curious of finding where this place was.
  14. I believe mack left this place maybe 40 some odd years ago. I believe they moved to allentown,pa. Good move on their part, plainfield is not a pretty place though im sure it was at one time.
  15. Old mack circle emblem over 2 of the doorways. I thought some of you B model owners would like to see where your truck was built
  16. Here are a couple pics of the Plainfield, New Jersey Mack plant that I took today.
  17. Those pics are from the 1960's. I believe it was a gas job. Newark had a few b-models in their fleet. Not sure where that truck is today, probably was recycled in a scrap yard many years ago, when Newark gets rid of a rig its usually pretty tired and battle-weary after a long hard life. Here are a few more pics of this mack. Also Newark has a b-model that was recently fully restored and is used as a caison for funerals and parades. It was never actually saw service for the city of newark. It was owned by a westinghouse factory fire brigade in I believe Harrison, N.J. I'll post some pics soon that I have on my other computer
  18. Not sure of the exact year and model. My father was a newark, n.j. fireman and was assigned to this engine company and drove this mack. I down loaded these pics from the website www.newarkfirehistory.com ,they showcase a different newark fire apparatus every week. eng_11_5.bmp eng_11_6.bmp eng_11_4.bmp
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