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Mack CF

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Everything posted by Mack CF

  1. Hey... did you get some of the pictures of the fire trucks there? If not what kind of trucks are they... would like to see them.. thanks
  2. I knew that truck looked familiar.... here it is at the greensburg state convention... it sounds really nice!
  3. try looking at http://www.spaamfaa.com/adlist.htm Theres a crap load of trucks and parts for sale, if you dont see it there you can post a wanted thing. good luck!
  4. haha YES another CF guy! Where are you from? thats a nice truck... please post more pictures, like of the cab and interior. What kinda engine is in it, also gold or silver bulldog?
  5. I went to check out my truck the other day and Battery A is dead, battery B has enough power to run the red lights and air buzzer. My question is... will a normal 12 volt car battery work at least to get it home. And will it charge battery A back up?
  6. Another nice B
  7. This truck was sold for 4,000. Two days later Mack called him and offered a larger amount for the truck, the owner turned it down.
  8. My next question, unfortunatly i havnt been able to find any good storage places in the area... Barry if you know of some that arnt rediculously expensive can you let me know? My truck has been in a nice happy warm garage forever, and now it might be sitting outside in the harsh cold PA winter. Other than draining the tank... will it be alright?
  9. All the way at the bottom above Submit and preview post, click browse and choose the picture file you want to add, and then after that click add this attachment... my bad
  10. You just cant kill a mack, a CF local to me sorta, was struck by a train while pumping... IT KEPT PUMPING for the remainder of the fire, that truck is still in service, any of the mack trucks from the older years can still pump
  11. That R model is really really nice, the new one is pretty sick too.. im glad thier still making at least chassies
  12. Okay next option... a tri pod type building... coverd on 3 sides but the front is open. Thanks guys for help, im kinda tight on money as is right now, and there no real good storage things in my area. Thanks
  13. This might seem strange, but would simply covering it with a tarp help? i would keep the rain and stuff off it... What do you think..?
  14. Glad for thoes of you who like them, theres alot of mack apparatus in my area and as soon as i figure something out i will post more. Im in a Open cab B model mood right now lol
  15. How does the truck take to the weather? any problems/ deteriatoin?
  16. Does global limit mean how many pics im aloud to post forever?
  17. tryin somethin...
  18. hmm... it says i went past my per post or global limit... um... i dunno... im trying to get a website going with all my truck pix, dont worry ill get some more up on here soon. the pictures are from my digital camera... which are HUGE files. So after i find out from barry what i did ill hopefuly get some more up.
  19. haha that lego rig is awesome!!! i wanna see a B model fire engine. I love legos, still have em!
  20. my dad owns a 1948 mack "e" type 505 pumper, it has a sedan cab ill get pics of it soon... can you post yours?
  21. Yeah i did, i photographed every rig in that parade, there was round 150-160 trucks. the last few were pictures from the parade.
  22. Yeah the blue R model is open cab, its from Port vue Pa, its a 1967 and its still in service, 2nd out. http://www.fdnytrucks.com/files/html/other.../Port%20Vue.htm theres a better picture... it just has a canopy up for cold and crappy weather. Its truely one of my favorite macks
  23. hmm i guess i went too big sorry
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