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Mack CF

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Everything posted by Mack CF

  1. Editing pics, making smaller...
  2. One of 7 open cabs i belive. I just figured out how to attach a bunch of pictures, sorry... hope you enjoy these... i have ALOT more on my computer.
  3. Tell me this isnt unique!
  4. I love the color of this truck, real nice
  5. another view
  6. im gonna try this... This is the FIRST mack i have driven, its my baby and i would kill to have a truck like this one. ..
  7. Sorry if this has been posted before, but where and how do you store your mack? Garage, outside, ect. Also is it heated or to the elements. Also thoes who keep them under or in a structure but not heated how does your truck react to the cold? Our type 505 is in a storage shed but not heated, and im looking for a place to store my CF.
  8. Hi, my name is rob, im 19 and im from murrysville pa (about 10 or so miles from watts mack) i just recently purchased a 1971 mack CF600 fire engine. My dad owns a 1948 mack type 505 fire engine. Not very long ago i got to experiance driveing my first mack truck. It was a 66 open cab B model mack engine from US steel irvin works, the truck was recently refirbushed and is a dream to drive. I am mostly into mack fire apparatus but always love any type of B model, my other favorite model is the CF. Im happy i found this forum and hope to talk to you later on.
  9. Mack fire apparatus
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