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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GearheadGrrrl

  1. And if we want Mack to survive, we need to build a worldwide following for Mack. Why? One of the major reasons Volvo doesn't give a darn about Mack is because Mack is pretty much a North American brand and they're a worldwide company. Build a worldwide following for Mack so customers around the world demand Mack trucks and Volvo won't dare kill Mack!
  2. This females been driving manuals since the 60s, didn't have a truck with power steering 'til '92 and automatic 'til '96.
  3. Great job you good ol' boys do of chasing away Mack customers!
  4. T309 would probably work, but you might want a transmission with deeper reduction.
  5. "It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or anti-pathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." Or in this case, rusty old trucks...
  6. And good ol' boys, instead of gettin' all paranoid about Mack lovers beyond your little "holler", you might accomplish more if you gave them some helpful advice and set a good example.
  7. And if you good ol' boys want to keep Macks in your "homeland", there's around a thousand DMs and Rs listed on Truck Paper alone... Buy 'em up!
  8. I've noted too- Macks have the best wiring and plumbing in the biz! Unfortunately, in government "low bid" usually wins so Navistar and Daimler just low ball their way in and push Mack out. Navistar and Daimler will sell new trucks at low profit or even a loss just to get market share, and they know they'll make it back in parts sales later!
  9. You good ol' boys made right fools of yourselves!
  10. Guys, at least the folks overseas are using Macks for their intended purpose- work!
  11. Wonder how we ever moved the loads with mere 237 Horsepower Maxidynes...
  12. Run by Obama's economic advisor, the "Oracle of Omaha", Warren Buffett...
  13. And guess who owns Geico?
  14. Saw one of those Oshkosh COEs on the move up by Minot a few years back. Was hooked to an oversized trailer (probably 10' wide by 60' or so long), looked like they tried to make it look like a normal truck from a distance. Also saw a Marmon conventional with very thick windows pulling a similar trailer.
  15. The more recent Mack MH may take the prize for tallest cabover- IIRC they were 126" tall to the roof, a good 6" to 12" taller than contemporary cabovers. If that don't win the prize, I've read on this forum that some even taller 4 x 4 MHs were built for UPS...
  16. A lot of the problem is that most American investors expect immediate profits and won't invest for the long term like the European and Japanese do. Thus with no American investors willing to buy White, Mack, and Freightliner in the 1980s recession Daimler and Volvo, and Renault were able to buy up half the American truck builders.
  17. No problem! Even the lowest HP engine in the new Pinnacles with a 10 speed is capable of at least 100,000 pounds GCW. Just make sure you get the load located right so you don't overload any axles and should be well within the Mack's capabilities.
  18. My apologies for those guys, they've kinda lost touch with reality. They'll be slowly slippin' away, couple years and a they'll be in the ground and the haz mat teams will have cleaned up their mess.
  19. Sorry to blow your fantasies and bring you back to reality, but Obama won fair and square, both electoral college and popular vote. As for "gun grabbin", 3rd term, etc. none of that's gonna happen, the constitution prohibits it.
  20. Better make sure the frame can handle the increased weight- a 1/4" frame won't cut it with 18k pounds on the front axle!
  21. The majority of the voters re-elected Mr.Obama to a term that ends in 4 years. A president has some powers given by the constitution to take actions without the approval of congress, but in most cases the president and both houses of congress have to concur to take any action.
  22. So you wanna go back to a monarchy?
  23. And if you don't like the current president/senator/congressman, in just a few years we get to pick another one. Ingenious system of government the founders designed with power spread over three diverse branches of government, isn't it?
  24. Mowerman, my condolences on your candidates loss. Now I suppose you're going to argue that negative ground in a muslim socialist conspiracy...
  25. Just switch to negative ground and get it over with- The insulating the radio BS and inverters ultimately fail anyway. Or get one of the $40 battery powered handheld CBs. Better yet, get a ham license and leave the clowns on 11 meters behind!
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