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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GearheadGrrrl

  1. Unless you can find a CB radio with an ungrounded case, you'll have to convert the truck to negative ground.
  2. There is indeed a market for shorter BBC trucks here- for example the Dakotas allow doubles but have a 110 foot overall length limit, so you'd need a cabover or short conventional to pull double 48s. In Michigan the loggers prefer a truck and trailer combination, but with the 70 foot length limit and a conventional they have to pile the logs higher than they like... Another potential market for a cabover. In overlength permit loads like wind turbines, the truckers that haul them are complaining that the Titan pushes them over the 95 foot threshold where escorts are required. Put an FH cab on a thoroughbred Mack chassis with build-to-order options and Mack would have a small but profitable market. Add a shorter BBC Titan and they'd add a bunch more profitable sales. Heck, they could turn the Titan into a whole model line of custom built ultra heavy duty trucks.
  3. Judging by the user name I'd guess you're a USPS employee working on a USPS Mack tractor. If they're still doing things the way they were when I worked for USPS, Mack provided a custom manual for the USPS Macks and the info should be in there. I retired from USPS MVS just before they got the 2006 Macks, was a TTO for a dozen years. If you have no luck there or here, I suspect the keys are programmed a lot like car keys.
  4. That mail hauling truck sounds like one of the ones owned by the Congressman Sodrel, they use CH613 single axles with air lift pusher axle. Mileage may or may not be accurate- Sodrel has some short hauls and some cross continent hauls.
  5. It's a 14 year old parts truck, you can buy one that runs for less than the cost of fixing this one.
  6. In much of the midwest you can already haul 97k off the interstates on 7 axles, and I haven't seen a Titan hauling anything but lowboys and heavy haul trailers yet. Heck, haven't seen many Titans hauling anything yet. Volvo needs to turn the Titan loose and give it a full range of options like different BBCs, a variety of sleepers, and maybe even a cabover if they want the Titan to sell.
  7. If you want to get custom, an RB or RM dump truck or tractor would be awesome!
  8. It might be legal... Body looks right for a '72, but motor looks like an "A+" which would be early 80s or later with a carb instead of '90s fuel injection. Dashboard looks maybe from the correct era too. All said, if there's a whole in the floor there's likely rust hiding all over, and this isn't a for real Cooper S... So I'd adjust my offering price downward from his asking price appropriately.
  9. It may very well be bogus- last year the Mini was imported to the U.S. was in 1967. It's possible to import one yourself if it's over 25 years old, but I'd be suspicious- there's a whole cottage industry that's developed to import late model Minis and register them as U.S. legal '67 and earlier Minis that were long ago junked. Get caught doing that and if you're lucky they only crush your car...
  10. There's a guy near here in Clear Lake, SD that restores Porsche tractors, says he'd got 40 or so of them.
  11. I've driven just about every cabover, and the MH was the finest.
  12. Caveat Emptor... First off it appears to be at a CoPart yard, so it may have been wrecked. Second, note that the back of the cab is different than most MRs... Wonder if the body can be easily removed?
  13. That was back around the time when several states legalized 53' trailers but with a 65' overall length, so cabovers made a short comeback.
  14. With Macks like that, who needs Paccar products?
  15. Judgin' by y'll's complainin' you survived the first four years of Obama just fine, so the next four years should be no problem.
  16. Might be Mack's old air actuated road speed governor from the 1970s and 80s?
  17. That's a parts truck for sure! R models are pretty common, so there's no point in buying one that needs major repairs.
  18. Run, don't walk, away... The truck is a junkyard kluge of parts!
  19. The one in Minneapolis is Electric Machinery's, and I've been drooling over it for at least two decades now. Buy it, so I don't have to!
  20. IIRC, the 230 series was the last of the IH UPS cabovers, but note that it still had the old skool step tanks!
  21. First UPS conventional I saw was an IH short BBC conventional in '92, had no air deflector and reputedly an L10 Cummins. UPS called them "rapid response tractors" and planned to use them as short haul rigs for extra pickups, etc.. I haven't seem them around in years. There were also a bunch of Ford LN9000s with the midsized Cat engine bought around then too, the engines gave trouble and I haven't seen them around in years. Drove one of the UPS Road Commodes once, had a 60 series Detroit with a 5 speed tranny. There may still be a few 9670 IHs around, up until recently the St.Cloud, MN center had one.
  22. Walked through there a few years back when it wasn't all fenced in, they had a bunch of B, L, C, etc. models back then. Been by a few times in the last few years when they were closed and the gate locked, from what I could see seemed like a lot less old trucks back there.
  23. I'm about 100 miles away but get there often, could take a look at it for you.
  24. Peak torque is at 1020 RPM, upshift at 1800 and downshift at 1000 and it'll work fine.
  25. From what I understand, the Mack and Volvo mediums were discontinued due to a non compete agreement from when Volvo bought out GM's heavy truck line in the late 1990s. The Volvo mediums like the FL series quickly disappeared from the market, and when Volvo bought Mack that was the end of the Renault based Mack mediums. Now that GM has completely abandonned the medium market, the door may be open for Volvo/Mack to reenter that market. As Volvo now controls UD (Nissan) medium and heavy trucks, "badge engineered" Mack and Volvo mediums are a possibility... But IMHO, not a good idea!
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