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  1. This is from the fellow I bought it from. A older mechanic said it looked like a 4 valve when he saw it. IMG_0569.MOV
  2. Joey Mack, would you recognize what engine I have based on the serial #. I looked on the valve cover but it appears to have been painted over. I also need to replace my door locks and wanted to have a manual to make sure I put it back together right. 67RModel, I have seen some complete sets on eBay, but wasn’t sure how to determine if they apply to my truck. Maybe the serial # is listed in them.
  3. I recently purchased this 1989 R690T, Vin # 1M2N278X4KW008107. Would anyone know which complete service manual # (TS576??) that I should use? I see that eBay has some available, but might not cover 1989. I have put a request in at the Mack Museum for information based on the vin#. Thanks
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