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Everything posted by convoyduel

  1. Mack3P: I just bought a CH613 built 02/01/03 and the build sheet shows the customer as "03 Show DC/Tom Davis". For destination, it shows "Product Validation Pilot". Later in the build, it shows "Special Projects - Visibility Door". What does all of that mean? I'm very surprised that a MY2004 unit would have been built 02/01/2003. That seems awfully early for an '04.
  2. Here is the truck.
  3. Just got home from Virginia with the 2004 CH613. Amazing truck. Thought the truck had a Mack 10 speed T310, even had the Maxitorque ES 10 speed decal on the A/C unit, but the build sheets with the truck show it has a T309 and it does funny things when you shift into the lower right position on the transmission (would be 5th on a 10 speed). Looked through the transmission manual (truck came with every book and piece of paper it had when new) and found that there is a T309 that skips the lower right position in favor of the "Lo" hole with the range splitter in "Hi". This is a new concept to me...is this the correct way to shift a T309? Still trying to figure out why the shift pattern decal doesn't match the build sheet and apparently the truck. EVERYTHING on this truck is original and immaculate, so I highly doubt the owner changed anything.
  4. Had a Jacobs Brake on a 1990 CH613 with an E6-350 Mack. The Jake was absolutely 100% worthless. We had the overhead run several times, tuned the Jake, etc. and nothing. It certainly worked as in "operated as designed", but it didn't do a darn thing.
  5. It would be cheaper to buy a set of speakers, an iPod and get a audio file of a jake brake to play whenever you want to slow down. It's a lot cheaper and would have about the same effect as a Jacobs Brake on an E6-350.
  6. The all-mechanical Macks are being cleaned out locally as well and heading to ports.
  7. If you think Eaton's UltraShift Plus is a good transmission, you've never used one to back a truck into a dock or in an application requiring smooth and slow engagement. There was one in the Mack rental fleet locally and from what I understand, they're getting rid of it because of all of the problems. The M Drives locally are getting rave reviews.
  8. I would submit that the thing driving a lot of these carriers with the race to implement these "green" technologies is to improve their SmartWay score. Most of the big companies of the world (Tyson, Frito Lay, Pepsi, etc) require their carriers to have SmartWay and rank their position on the dispatch/load list based in part on their SmartWay score. Each of those little things being discussed improve the SmartWay score whether they have a true cost benefit or not.
  9. That makes me feel very very good. The truck looks fantastic. It's going to a very good home here. Do you know why he sold it? Did he get out of business?
  10. Yes, its in unbelievable condition. Only 183k miles. I'm not a fan of polished aluminum. I prefer color-matched painted 5 hand hole steel. I had enough of polishing by the time I was 21.
  11. Just bought a really nice 2004 CH with an AC engine rated at 310/330. Is there any uprate capability by software alone? Just wondering if there's a way to get more power without hardware changes.
  12. I have a set of 34k aluminum Mack rears. That's the first set I've seen besides mine.
  13. Been pulled over by mobile inspection officers. Some let me go right away others had to get on the phone to find out they had no authority to inspect or cite as long as I wasn't using it commercially. Let go every single time. Quack Quack.
  14. We have a 2011 and a 2012 CHU we're running locally on rental in our fleet to meet a surge in demand. Both have the MP8-445 and Mack 13's. Extremely impressive trucks thus far. I had super bad experiences with '04 CHN613's with the AI-427 so time will tell.
  15. The problem with the RD legend is the engine that's in them. You don't want an early ASET. What's interesting about the RD Legend is that the RB and DM were built into the '05 model year.
  16. There were a fair number built. Green seemed to be the most common color, followed by red and black. There were a couple of black tractors with 24.5's and dual exhaust that I wish I would have bought. The problem with the RD Legend is that had the AI or AC engine. Those late '03 and early '04 ASET engines were total shop queens.
  17. That's a tip turbine so its either a U686 or a U612.
  18. The 8V92 between the jade green and the silver series was a OO92 and was painted black. It was marketed as the Owner Operator 92 I believe at the end of the 70's or very early 80's.
  19. All it needs is one part...so simple....that's why I'm trying to unload it unfixed instead of fixing it. Uh-huh.....
  20. That's at least a whole late '72-up Western hood, not just the grille.
  21. When I think of party, two words come to mind.....Churubusco Indiana. Keep up the good work, T!
  22. If you look at a 10 year old Freightliner or International, they trucks are almost always used-up and worn out, with just about every joint, seam and assembly broken or loose. Volvo's aren't much better. My 2000 CH612 and 1997 MR688 with 600k on the clock are in 10 times better shape than the 2005 Freightliner Columbia a friend has, and he's pretty diligent about maintenance. My '73 Peterbilt 358 and '77 RS700L are in better condition than most new trucks, and neither of them are susceptible to total shut down by a faulty sensor, loose wire or bad computer.
  23. I bought one new like that 4 years ago from Mack and paid a little over $500, and that was after shopping a number of dealers. The multi-piece assembly for the grilledensor style are no longer available.
  24. It's an excellent truck as-is, I was just wondering if there was a simple way to increase hp. It really does just fine as-is for local work and its fuel efficient as can be. I probably should leave well-enough alone.
  25. I was wondering what VMAC-based options are available for a 2000 E7 300hp to uprate the hp? I was just curious if there's any way to have a dealer change the program on the ECM to uprate the hp. It's in my '00 CH612 Postal Puppy with the Allison behind it.
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