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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Please explain how come the Blacks have had more money spent, more opportunity given to them even if not earned and yet still have not progressed past where they were 85 years ago, they are the only race on earth that doesn't seem to be able to get their sh*t together, the Jews overcame the Holocaust, the Japanese were interned during the war and have gone on to prosper in this country yet the Blacks with all that has been given to them they still flounder, they complain about outsiders coming into their homelands in Africa yet ignore the gains made by them because of said such action, maybe the problem does not lie with those around them but themselves ? just seems that their failure is everyone else's fault but theirs ?
  2. DM 800 is supposed to ride rough
  3. As of today I am starting a movement, not a bowel but a FAIRS FAIR movement, for every statue of a General or founder of our country or any statue deemed racist that is torn down or disgraced the FAIRS FAIR movement will tear down a MLK or Rosa Parks statue or any statue deemed to portray blacks, for every business that is burned or looted we will do the same to Church's chicken and we will expect the same non interference from the police. second thought maybe this is bowel movement much like the BLM.
  4. Proves what wrong ? Mr. Floyd was being arrested for a Federal crime, passing phony money is a crime, then before that he had consumed/used illegal drugs, another crime and prior to that (for many years) he had committed other crimes, if he had decided not to commit a crime that day he would still be around today to commit other crimes, poor decision on his part.
  5. It really does work and once there we just leave it and adjust to every load, good luck.
  6. High pole at work
  7. Nope, at first I thought it was a joke but after using it I wouldn't run without it, not for high speed but for when picking our way around wires and branches on mostly 2 lane roads, most of the time we are very tall, up to 20' high is normal and 20' and above happens more than people think but is a real pain, escorts run 6" higher than load and the pole on truck is at height or just above and that really helps in deciding if we can slide it, high pole or bucket truck. looks funny but works great and not my idea but it is a requirement of Turner.
  8. Found this (what is it ?) on the way to Seattle and the paint guys have been working on 378 that came from CA, fenders needed some love so we gave it some, first pic is a Ritchie and the other is at the farm.
  9. Finally got the C119 Wingbox from Greybull WY. on the road 20 feet 4 inches wide, left Greybull this morning went south to Worland and over route 16 to Buffalo and onto SD. we'll stop at IA. line and wait for Cops and then push on through IL. and IN.
  10. Robust ? Stiffer ? More overdrive ? .73 .74 over you can tell the difference between .01 over ? you can buy a brand new Fuller from LKQ for less than the average repair of your beloved Mack 18 and still have a pig, I really like the multi speeds in reverse but the my 8LL has a lolol in reverse and a higher speed in low side, compares to my Mack, but the Fuller is so much user friendly, and quieter and I'll bet that a Mack with a Fuller gets better fuel mileage, it takes a huge amount of power to turn the Mack trans, put one on the floor and spin it by hand and then spin a Fuller ?? that's $$ up the pipe.
  11. 25 murders in Chicago this last weekend, still waiting for any of the LEFT media to even do a small clip, nothing, nothing at all, like it never happened, what's the deal you left swingers, where's the outrage ????? you make me sick with your BS.
  12. Yep and those of in business for ourselves practice the same thing on smaller scale, we make money off the people who work for us if I didn't there would be no reason to put up with crap you deal with having employees, I never employed anyone just for the aggravation of having them around, bigger companies make money on having me around, I even asked the management at SHAW how they could afford to have my crews just sitting around sometimes and they told me they made off every day we were on job, good for them and good for me, but how our you going to control the gangs and losers without a police force, they will take the diversion money and still commit the crimes, the whole notion of no police is STUPID.
  13. So the Mayor of NYC wants to defund the Police and is going to offer programs to give the criminals something better to do than crime, are you sh ttin me, something better than crime, what more welfare is this guy out to lunch and this is what the left is proposing no police, liberals have gone off the deep end, their minds have been eaten by the Trump bug and are now mindless zombies being led by really degenerate scum out to destroy America, really no police, does that mean that I can now defend my property as I see fit, you'll see bodies piled on the side of the road, you liberals are out to lunch and dangerous to civil society.
  14. Came upon this late I Hate GM, took a lot of bail out money declared bankruptcy and screwed the taxpayer all the while helping the union, SCREW GM.
  15. How do you have discussion with people that do not have the capacity to hold a civil conversation ??
  16. Now that sounds like a personal problem.
  17. Isn't it funny that all the major big Liberal bastions (cities) is where all the racist cops and hate mongers end up ? wonder why ? maybe Liberals suffer from do as I say not as I do and if you don't I will force to to comply. Hell of a movement you have there and they say it's great to be liberal, I think the Germans said the same thing about being a NAZI, just my thought for the day.
  18. Maybe he should have not broke the law then he would not have to interact with police and might lived longer, lets go back to where it starts just like slavery, why don't the blacks take out their anger on those who sold blacks into slavery, yep that's right blacks sold blacks they just seem to forget that little tidbit of info.
  19. Yeah but if you didn't have a interaction with the police you don't need to worry about the ultimate loss of liberty, hence don't pass off bogus money and you won't interact with the police so once again who started the problem, shootin only starts after the lootin, don't loot no one will shoot, guess that's to much to ask ??
  20. Didn't get any money but yelled at and called alota names, funny thing is they have alot to say but don't listen to themselves, they say the same thing I say but blame everything on someone else as soon as you say doing something then they go back to something else, I don't think they even know what they think, when you have believed the BS you have been told so long you want to believe but when you speak it comes different so maybe what you have told doesn't jive and then they just go back around to the BS again, they know they have been lied too but don't want to believe it.
  21. I went out to the demonstration here in VA. 4 hours ago, lot of rock throwing and some tear gas along with a few rubber bullets, a lot of really misinformed people that do not want to engage in discussion but preferred to spew their thoughts with no intention of any thoughts other than what they think, in the end the group that I and another woman engaged with finally calmed down and some progress was made this was only after she had given up and left, 4 or 5 cops stayed close to me but did not interfere even when one of the demonstrators put his hands on my neck, cops knew that I was calm and everything calmed down, once they figured out (demonstrators) that I wasn't leaving and would stand my ground it went from yelling and screaming and finally more to a really good discussion, overall not a bad night, little tense but still a good night.
  22. Survived the demonstration, lot of interesting people with a lot of differing thoughts but many really misinformed and angry, mostly I think they know the problem rests with themselves but are clueless how to deal with it ??? cops remained cool and took a interest in the discussion although sometimes heated but in the end I think we all parted a little closer and maybe not friends but not enemies, pretty interesting night.
  23. Well I'm here and Manassas ?? and there has gotta be couple hundred cops out side, normal people are getting out lawn chairs and watching the zoo review, cops are in good cheery mood and joking with the normal people, I think they know this is BS and just out for the show, I'm going back out to watch the show, always like to speak from informed point of view so I'm going out to get informed and yes the blacks watching are just as amazed at the stupidity as the rest of us.
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