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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by david wild

  1. Lawn Decorations at our yard, seems the Helicopters are breeding, started with 2 now got 5, Ridgeway is mutt of two breeds of some kind
  2. Bostrom makes red seats everyday, just up the road in AL. from us, gone to the plant and picked seats up there directly.
  3. I thought is was funny too
  4. Liberalism is a mental defect
  5. Spreading the love received_261094981740734.mp4
  6. Laughed so hard fell off my chair.
  7. Here you go, the truth received_261094981740734.mp4
  8. So you get it, so what, you get the Flu and the sniffles what is the difference, if you have poor health choices then you won't survive, sorry but that is the way it is supposed to work, get fat, smoke and drink and treat your body like crap then when you get sick you die, that is the way it works, no where does it say you get to live forever, life is tough, why do young children get cancer ? and for the lock everybody at home BS, if you grew up on a farm you know you quarantine the sick not the healthy, but then Bloomberg say's anybody can be a farmer ?? guess not.
  9. I used to fire people I could not trust either, your on my team or your not and if your not your gone and not trusted at all, Trump is the one who stopped travel from China which you liberals called him Racist and every other thing you could, Your Pelosi was the one down in Chinatown telling every one to come visit, If Trump had his way we probably would never have shut down, I know we never lost a day and don't plan on it, this whole thing is a blown out of proportion BS story, when you Liberals outlaw Cigarettes then maybe someone might take you serious on peoples health, people need to work, playing chicken little won't work, pull up your pants and start acting like a real American and blow this phony Liberal BS attempt to ruin this country back to where it came from.
  10. I am glad Trump is president and I also think that Obama was corrupt and all his followers are and were corrupt, but I think there are some great people that work for the Government but they are overshadowed by the scum, good people leave the Government every day because they figure out they are wasting their time , Trump must be really tough because most people would just quit, the man has spine and any good patriot should back him and the previous corrupt Government should be prosecuted to the fullest extent which I predicted and promoted right here for years.
  11. Boys from Deerfield are right, it's the engine build date that matters
  12. Only real because the global news media conspired to blow it out of proportion otherwise this would been another blip in the news media history, only became relevant because of the need of the liberal left to take down Trump and the other conservatives around the world, this is a global epidemic of assault on the rights of all people.
  13. Who wants a population dependent on the government for all it's needs, ? liberals. Who wants the population hooked on drugs ? Liberals . Who hates independent thought and people who believe in freedom ? Liberals. Liberals are global and their influence is global and if you think they could not be behind this you are foolish.
  14. I know you you do not want to think this but I think it is starting to appear that this whole farce is a well planned phony pandemic to destroy Trump and all the good he has done, they knew they had nothing on him so they invented this health emergency, think about it between overdoses from drugs and car wrecks more people will die than from the BS virus ??? and of course the half million people who will die from smoking could be saved just by getting rid of cigarettes ?? but you see that would not harm Trump, but the left blames Trump for the virus which they are the ones truly behind. just think about the timing, liberals are that evil and do have a plan that is much more worse than anything Hitler ever did.
  15. Your wasting your time a Cat will not fit in a RD/R Mack just measure the engine length and the space under the hood, now maybe if you put some puke little engine like a C10/11
  16. I'm surprised that Leon at Manchester Mack cannot help you ?????
  17. I lost count of the nitwits I saw driving out in the middle of nowhere with mask and gloves on, didn't matter car or big truck seems their infected with stupidity.
  18. No we were told not to eat anything that had local milk, he knew more than the rest, after a week he was looking real bad, then stuff started leaking out, so they tubed him put this goo looking glue (?) and charted a flight and hauled him out, he would have never made a commercial flight, it's wonder we all didn't get something, you want to see some weird crap you need to go there, and it was nothing compared to Tanzania, Dar es salaam was really bad, like you want to go home now bad, Tema Ghana was not so bad and the compound we had was first rate, girls were a buck a day and was for everything (cleaning and ??) I opted out for the girls, divorce in GA. ain't cheap.
  19. Air cleaner is wrong.
  20. MN is long way from GA, truck is nice but woman washing your truck is better, hope you tell her she has been admired, better not she may want more $$ sister wash trucks too. ??? wash truck just left here I think I paid for his divorce.
  21. Ever want to get rid of wife I'll trade plus $$ any woman that will power wash a truck is for me, she have a sister ??
  22. I keep my pills on hand for Malaria, been vaccinated for typhoid, Cholera and a bunch of crap I don't even know, If you want to travel to highly civilized modern Africa that's what you do so you don't come down with some unknown crap, last trip to Ghana one of the GE guys went out on a private flight with a tube glued in his butt to catch the fluids draining out his butt hole, so yes all those bugs are still out there.
  23. Oil the cheapest thing to keep shit running but the most overlooked, amazed every day.
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